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I wrote this all up yesterday and forgot to send post, sorry to keep you in the dark this week a bit! Camp took it out of me for days, it ended up being a good experience but cooking for 20 and trying to entertain teenagers ended up feeling like a solid month in the wilderness (not dramatic at all I know) 

Welcome to the Thunderdome baby! Disaster Days have arrived!

Ok is it wrong to be so excited about disaster movies right? You know I love a theme!  Carly joined me for Deep Impact (thats what she said) SORRY EW! and im crossing my fingers she can watch Dantes Peak with me too! 

We have a Ben Birthday Bash Poll going on right now, its CLOSE so make sure to cast your vote!

In other news I'm on a reading streak....mostly chick-flick-a books but they are nice to fall asleep to, let me know if you want some reccs ;) I want to take Ben to the movies for his birthday this week, but it needs to be something I wouldn't watch for the channel-any suggetions? I'm also knee deep in a princess party planning (not ben's birthday) so don't be surprised if I'm covered in glitter during reactions!

LAST THING! The Top Tier LIVE will be a watch-along this month. I'm going to give you a clue with the emojis of what the movie will be

Ok sorry again for the late update, see you at the movies!!



nick bell

You have to watch the original Mad Max movies now Cassie. You said Thunderdome. I don't make the rules.

Russell Teo

Perfect Storm is the only movie I like Mark Wahlberg, the only 3 movie where I like Clooney

Bill Maurer

"The Searchers"

Bill Maurer

Does she start with the original "Mad Max" or go straight into "The Road Warrior" ???

Mike LL

Sounds like you could have made your own disaster or horror movie in the wilderness! “How can a Youtuber reactor survive 20 teenagers on a wilderness camping trip!” I’d pay to see that one! Speaking of Disaster Days, save me a seat on the front row! I’m going to love this week!


For good movies in theaters right now that you're probably unlikely to watch in theaters, I'd check out Sanctuary, The Machine and The Blackening. Also, I hear Past Lives is great, but I haven't had a chance to see it yet. The smaller movies move out of the cinemas so fast these days...


Yes, if you mention Thunder Dome - you NEED to know what you are referencing,.... (even though its in the 3rd movie).

Raven Dark

Wasn't Volcano supposed to be in there somewhere with Disaster Week? If I'm wrong, ignore me. I'm happy with whatever you watch.

Jorge Ortiz III

The next poll you have for space films - Add 'First Man' (2018) to the list, greatly underrated / misunderstood!

Richard Bourne

DEEP IMPACT and ARMEGEDDON (1998) are basically two movies at about the same time, same basic premise, VERY different directors. Armegeddon is a wild ride, starring Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liv Taylor, Owen Wilson, Billy Bob Thorton, and several more you will recognize. It is over the top action vs. DEEP IMPACT which tries to be more realistic.


Bill, while Mad Max isnt quite as good - it gives his background for WHO he is and what his back ground is,... and it is a classic still,... The Road Warrior is the standard for this series, by far,.... so I can definitely understand why you would want to start there instead of Mad Max.

Kuskesh Haramzadeh

OMG I've never heard you say a dirty joke before! Must be from spending all that time with teenagers 🤣 🤣. You just leveled up in my book 😂😂😂

Richard Bourne

Perfect Strom is a great movie, probably one of Geroge Clooney's best along with a young Mark Walhberg supporting him.

Celeste McAllister

Deep impact was a tearfest I was blown away by its humanity,I've heard good things about PS,Marky Mark & George Clooney,but the 70's disaster movies introduced many of the disaster movie tropes👍👍

Mike LL

ROMANCING THE STONE is the watch a long??? I’ve died and gone to heaven!!!


Deep Impact. 😅 I see what you did there. Is Deepwater Horizon coming soon? That's a good movie based on a true story, I know Cassie likes those.

Uncle Phoenix

OMG. The heat must have gone to my head today; because I completely missed it. Thanks for making me go back and look. (Definitely made me laugh.)

Mike Lemon

I would argue for the order most American's over 35ish saw them- Road Warrior, Thunderdome, then Mad Max (Australian version, stay away from the awful American dub).

Gary David Holbrook

Back in 1988, I named my Blue Merle Collie puppy Max, and his AKC name was Blue Ridge Raggedy Man; I bought him from a breeder in the Blue Ridge mountains of NC. I had Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome on Laserdisc, and I watched the absolute hell out of that movie. If you want to see what Max looked like, and why I gave him that name, just to go my Facebook page, Photos, Albums, and look for Max the Blue Merle Collie. If you have seen Max Max Beyond Thunderdome, hopefully his name will make perfect sense to you. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... Dying time's here.”

Viet Ta

The little girl in deep impact was my classmate! So cool to see your friends in the movies

Brian McGovern

Dante’s peak and volcano were similarly spaced in terms of release if I am not mistaken

Richard Bourne

I liked Dante's Peak also. Hey, a former Bond and the original Sarah Connor, cool! A few of the scenes I question, but overall, yeah, a great ride of a movie.

Burrito Jimmy

Movies you wouldn’t watch for the channel? Fast X or Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 🤣 Or Elemental

Josh Heinen

Mending The Line looks like a good movie!


Only good movie this week you likely wouldn't watch for the channel is probably Past Lives, but it's mostly a love story so don't know if it would be his jam or not. Great movie, though!

Cole Jennett

Don’t worry about doing a reaction for the channel. Go see something you both want to see. Enjoy yourselves!

David Freese

Are talking Mel Gibson Max films or are you including Fury Road as well about what is best? Cause I believe if including Fury Road the 2 are 1a.and 1b.

David Freese

It was Dante's Peak from the start but alot wanted Volcano to be included in the comments.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Deepwater Horizon is very personal since I was down in the Gulf cleaning up oil. Trying to save as many birds as I could.


I will never watch the perfect storm again, no spoilers but Hollywood movies was going through a bad writing phase at this time


Movie you should take Ben to: I’ve heard good things about You Hurt My Feelings, a comedy about a married couple starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus that doesn’t sound anything like what you tend to watch on this channel.


I'd love some romance recommendations from you Cassie! 😊 I have finally found my reading groove again, my reading comes in BIG WAVES, I'll read every day for a few months and then not pick up a book again for a year. It's a bit frustrating LOL. I finally finished the Sarah J Maas series: A Court of Thorns and Roses. Would very much recommend if you are into fantasy and lots of smut. 😂 I'm about to start reading the Ahsoka novel and then will move on to finally finishing the A Song of Ice and Fire books (Game of Thrones). I read the first book a few years back, started reading the second, then fell off my reading wave. I also have The Expanse books to finish as well. Sigh. Just like movies to watch, there are too many books to read! Hope you enjoy your movie time with Ben!

Bill Maurer

I concur. The Road Warrior is one of the best action movies of all time. She can skip Mad Max if she chooses

christopher b swanson

good week for me, loved deep impact.......prefer dantes peak.........love perfect storm

Bill W

Idaho. I spent a month THERE one night! 😉

William Bryan

DO NOT even get me started on the dirty jokes!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Joshua Stormont

You need to read the lord of the rings

Rick Williams

Go ahead an combine the Princess party with Ben's birthday party. That would be fun. 😆

Ria Grix

Yes, I think I read that somewhere in the rules too. Once you reference a movie you have to do reactions!

Mike Melfa

Woo-Hoo… can’t wait for you to meet “the Joan Wilder”.

Allen W. McDonnell

Love Deep Impact, Love Dante's Peak, Hate Perfect Storm. For War Movie Wednesday, Gene Hackman in Bat21 is an under rated treasure! My oldest sisters husband spent two tours in the Nam and this movie is a lower intensity was movie that brings home a lot of the realities. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094712/

Viet Ta

You're right! I mixed up the titles. Had title dyslexia there for a minute

Celeste McAllister

I watched the original series on Jen's channel,she came back for a 2nd vote for another 6 episodes and gained a good number of subs and a lot of respect from me,"boldly go where no one has gone before! "

Richard Maurer

Mad Max is way underrated. While most people seem to get their 80's nostalgia kicks from the big budget Hollywood fare, I get nostalgic over the low budget independent movie scene of the 80's, of which Mad Max was one of the originators. I like Mad Max just as much as The Road Warrior, maybe even a little more.

Richard Maurer

No one should watch F & F or Transformer movies beyond the first ones, and then with the caveat that they're dumb fun not to be taken seriously, The rest of both franchises (that I've seen, taking other people's words that they don't get better) are just money grabs with increasingly ridiculous plots.

Javier Hernandez

I'll be waiting on that Romancing the Stone reaction.


Take him to see. Asteroid City. Between Mercy and me, or Last Castle in the Mirror. These look like good movies that wouldn't be popular enough to make the channel. Or you can see Transformers: Rise of the Beast for good action fun.

Richard Maurer

She said movies she wouldn't watch for the channel, not movies she shouldn't watch under any circumstances.

Terry Yelmene

The 'Deep Impact' and Dante's Inferno' films are fine disaster movies. For me, disaster movies are not meant to tell challenging and thoughtful stories, or develop deeply-grounded characters. No... disaster movies are best devised as visual-emotions rollercoasters to create excitement... suspense... kinda like horror movies. However, as is often the case in these polls, one or two movies will be included, but are rarely selected in the voting, as voters prefer excitement to depth and challenge. Here we have the great fortune of Cassie opting to react to the movie that came third- 'The Perfect Storm.' Thank you, Cassie! Please enjoy this exceptionally written, brilliantly preformed 'true story' classic film. It's brilliant! And I hope you'll agree that it's more than just a disaster move.

Mike Lemon

Hard disagree on that one. They were only slightly less boring than Moby Dick.

Larry Darrell

I never knew the thing you throw in Curling was a Stone. I knew it was something heavy and smooth, but that was it. Never thought any further. Learn Something New Everyday. Thanks Cassie.

R Harper

Cassie, Cassie, & Carly (?) If you are indeed doing Romance in the Stone please refrain from chatting with each other during the opening scenes the first 7 minutes set the tone for the whole movie. They are a must-see to understand what's going on. Loved deep impact. Can't wait for the rest of the week of disasters!


Will the top tier watchalongs (of movies not yet seen) be available at the salt tier at a later stage? As a full reaction I mean.

Mike Lemon

Dante's Peak. Dante's Inferno is a very different movie. It would make for an interesting reaction though.

Bill W

In an alternate universe Crackers on the Couch is showing Armageddon, Volcano and White Squall.

Bill W

Mike Lemon It's a mashup of Dante's Peak and Towering Inferno! =D Dante's Inferno should go on her reading list.

Richard Maurer

In yet another universe Pretzels in the Hammock is having a Christopher Lee Hammer horror week with Curse of Frankenstein, Horror of Dracula, and The Mummy. I am now desperately trying to get to that universe.

Bill W

Showing classic horror movies during disaster week?

Michael J

Oh, and The Perfect Storm is solid too. Oddly I did not see that, looking at the post the first time.

Joshua Stormont

Hard to read because this generation has lost the capacity to read hard things. Understand it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but I absolutely love them.

rakeshldn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:06:07 heart kiss flowers bow heart the curling. What the hell is this movie?
2023-06-23 11:15:47 heart kiss flowers bow heart the curling. What the hell is this movie?

heart kiss flowers bow heart the curling. What the hell is this movie?


I was trying to think of curling movies. I was like "men with brooms?"

Richard Maurer

It's a crazy universe, my kind of universe. Anyway monsters could technically be considered disasters, couldn't they?

Richard Maurer

Apparently it's Romancing the Stone, since you asked. I'm not taking credit for figuring it out though that was someone else. I'm always the guy who sees a emoji puzzle and says "yeah, I'll let someone else get that".

Richard Maurer

Okay, but if Dracula moves into your neighborhood don't complain about what a disaster it's been for everyone.


I know "Perfect STorm" is a terrible movie, and I love it.


Can't answer that well without spoilers, but I try. The line delivery of some actors is pretty weak. Not sure if the casting works. The pacing is a little off. It's questionable if this story should be told as a movie at all. That said, I like it. Somehow, if a movie has an awesome looking sea and a few men who like their boat, it has allready won my heart. Boat kino works just so well for me.

David Forbes

Those are in my top favorite's when it comes to disaster movies. I'm looking forward to watching you react to them.


Starting a NYC Suggestions thread. For the tourists: 1. Looking up = sure sign you are a tourist. 2. Take cabs when it is too far to walk. 3. For a nice dinner - The River Cafe in Brooklyn (looking out at Manhattan from the east) or Ruth's Chris in Weehawken, NJ (looking out on Manhattan from the west - take a water taxi from near the Javits Center). 4. The Staten Island Ferry is NYC's #1 Cheap Date (free - both directions) - weather permitting. 5. The 9-11 Memorial still packs a punch. For the movies: 1. The Yankee Stadium that Kevin Costner pitched in has been torn down (RIP), but the new stadium is still Baseball's Cathedral. 2. Plenty of Chinese restaurants with the take-out boxes you crave. 3. The observation deck at the Empire State Building - b/c Sleepless in Seattle/King Kong/Independence Day/Elf (for the interior).


Go to "The Edge" building it's quite impressive with no long lines. This might be better than going to the Empire State Observation deck I would go to "The Edge" building it's quite impressive with no long lines. Also, you can go to the "Highline" walk path. https://www.thehighline.org A more centralized water experience is to take the NYC water Taxi. It's like $2.50 and it takes you all over the city. Rockefeller Center is where the X-mas tree gets lit and it's amazing year-round. Near to that is the Apple store as well as 5th Ave Shopping. Also go into Saks 5th Ave store, the displays alone are amazing. You can also go to Macy's but that might be a bit overwhelming since it's 7 floors and maybe 100 mini stores inside (you'll see when you go in) There is a floating garden known as "Little Island" on Manhattan's West side of Manhattan. Little Island, the brand-new public playground off West 14th Street, on 11th Ave in the Hudson River


Have a slice of classic thin-crust NYC cheese pizza