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Hey, happy Monday!! I hope you all had a great weekend. We have such a fun few weeks coming up for the channel (going Live Tonight to share some fun news) but also the Live Watch Along on Thursday (you guys decoded my emoji’s too easily last week) and I’m thinking about a tentative LIVE package opening and stuff on July 2nd!

The Ben’s Bday poll was so close, one percent! So I think i’ll watch both ;) Tom and Ben, Ben and Tom ya know?

We have our “Monthly Military Movie” poll coming up! I should have done one for 4th of July but I just needed something light ❤️ I think i’ll push the “survivor” poll for a few weeks too. I’m going to be going to Canada with the kiddos for a few weeks after the 4th so I need some movies that I don’t need to watch with Carly slash she would not want to watch that I can watch while up there! A hockey movie right? I might take a week off while i’m there but hopefully have some reactions banked up that there won’t be a week without “new releases”. I look forward to our summertime Canada trip all year at my parents. It’s good to be be “home” there and it always helps ground me. I’m hoping it’s the kids core memory kind of stuff too.

I hope you all have the best week, what are you all watching? I’m mostly watching Bluey )new episodes drop in July 😱) and Carly mentioned everyone’s talking about the new show Silo?! (not on the Bluey’s community radar I guess)

Ok catch you on the flip side




Bill Maurer

Great news about your Mission Impossible 7 New York premier. Fantastic !!!! You girls (and your entire team) are the best with a highly devoted and best-looking fan base there is. PS: "The Searchers" !!!

Robert da Spruce

“Hey, happy Monday!!” I’m guessing you meant to post this yesterday? 😉 Just teasing Cassie! Looks like a great week of reactions! 👍 Have a great trip!


Oh wow I haven't seen The American President since I was a kid.

brooke atkins

Haven’t seen any of these movies. I’ll skip the bond movie as that’s not my thing but definitely excited for more summer releases? When are we getting lethal weapon 3 Cassie? Congrats on the mi premier in ny. You guys will have a blast. You might even catch a glimpse of Tom himself lol safe travels Cassie and everyone have a great week.

Jon Johns

Lots of "Finales" and new seasons have dropped recently... "Barry" final season & Ted Lasso, plus new episodes of Black Mirror... And "Secret Invasion" on D+ (yet another MCU series ;-) I've heard about Sili, but don't have much time 😭

Chad Bailey

I was VERY interested in Silo after seeing trailers on Apple TV +. If u want you will have to tell us if it’s any good! I have a 2 & 4 y/o so Bluey is DEFINITELY a house hold staple 😂


A treat to see American President on stage. Now Erin Brockovich in the batters box.

Matt Rose

you'll adore THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Great script. As for a hockey movie, that's easy: MIRACLE.

Matt Winchester

Silo is a fantastic show. You should definitely react to it 😃

Jon Johns

Plus, Cassie WANTS to watch Erin Brokovich... So, I think it's in the cards... (To continue the baseball theme 😜)

Jerrod Acree

Family vacations are always good for the soul and the little ones. I have mine set for late summer at a condo on the beach. Enjoy!

Mike LL

Finally DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE is here! I've been waiting so long with such anticipation for that one, I know that it will be a very special reaction. The first two Die Hards will not have prepared you for how good that movie is going to be! I know I will have to suffer through this so-so Bond movie, but I can put up with it!

Jon Johns

Cassie, American President was written by Aaron Sorkin, afterwards, the concept got turned into "The West Wing" -- well, sort of. He's talked about it in interviews. Everyone will now be suggesting "Dave" at an increased rate, because it's a good political 'rom com' too, that you would like a lot.

Zane From Canada

Excellent lineup! Die Hard With A Vengeance. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson's chemistry is "golden". 😁 Skyfall is regarded as Daniel Craig's best bond film with the best/worst villain. It won the Oscar for Best Song. I think you will really enjoy The American President. A tender political rom-com written by Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing and A Few Good Men).

Jon Johns

Miracle seconded. We need to know what her hockey movie experience already is, "Mighty Ducks?" Is that all? Slap Shot is funny, but a bit aged... (Ben would probably like it more 😉) and Mystery Alaska? (I've never seen that one)

Odd Thomas

That's like 4am for me :(

Alex Gorell

Looking forward to the American President and Skyfall.

Björn Von Knorring

I’m surprise you haven’t watched ”Miracle” (2004) yet. Great hockey movie.

Brandon Gibbs

Ya know Cassie I'm still waiting for you to do Twins and Passenger 57.

Celeste McAllister

Cassie will like the cast of 'the American President' it's a nice movie with romance,WH intrigue and wishful thinking♡for the Hockey poll I got 'Slapshot' & 'Mystery Alaska'..in the theater with Tom Cruise how cool is that? I want to see a selfie give Tom a kiss C&C! 💋⭐⭐⭐⭐

Gábor Árki

Is this the first time Michael Douglas is appearing on the channel? Skimming through the reaction list I think it is and starting with a double feature. I don't remember seeing THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT but looking forward to it. And I'm very excited for the other three reactions. 😃 ♫ Hot town, summer in the city ♫ ♫ Back of my neck gettin' dirt' and gritty ♫ Cassie, can you settle a debate among patrons? Have you seen MIRACLE? Some are sure you have talked about it even though it is not marked as one. If not, I recommend it as the hockey movie. As for watching, I've opened a can of nostalgia and started binging CHUCK (2007-2012) again. Cassie, Carly, if you're looking for a fun show to watch (not as a reaction), I can highly recommend it. It is a unique mix of many genres: comedy, drama, action, spy, family, romance with a lot of pop culture references. 😉 PS: congrats for getting invited to the MI premiere! Please no spoilers for us mortals. 😃

Brian's Dog

3 Bangers this week, very nice.

Mike LL

Hey, Celeste, you never know, Cassie could pull "Jeremiah Johnson" out of the pillowcase one day! 🤣

Bill W

They go to Wisconsin (actually filmed in California) and that's not Fred Savage, the young actor was Ian Giatti. (They do look similar)

Matt Rose

I've heard good things on it, although I guess it takes an episode or two to get going. I plan on binging it once the season is done.

Mike LL

I have always hoped that Cassie and Carly would go into Die Hard With A Vengeance blind and not know that Samuel Jackson was in it until he appeared in the movie. Now that we know that they have seen it, I hope that will be the case.


Hockey movie? Add my vote for "Miracle" with Kurt Russell. Wouldn't be disappointed with "Slapshot" (Paul Newman) either, although the editors will be busy with that one, lol.


I enjoy having some light movies in the mix, What about Bob, Planes, Trains, etc. So Great Outdoors is worthy as well as Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Bill W

"Miracle" is fantastic. Great performance by Kurt Russell. The players are a bunch of unknowns, but actual hockey players. The most realistic hockey I've ever seen in a film. "Mystery, Alaska" is great too. Good hockey sequences, funny, warm. I doubt Cassie would like Slap Shot. By the time she edited out the language and her silently cringing at the screen it would be a 15 minute video. "Youngblood" would be slightly more suited for her than Slapshot.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

While in NYC be sure to visit the 9/11 memorial. It's something to behold its like visiting a concentration camp it can be really emotional. If you can get tickets to Jimmy Fallon you should go. I saw Letterman twice while taking multiple trips to NYC.

Zane From Canada

I like the odds! 😁 BTW I love black cats, especially big ones. Yours looks like the one I had growing up. Big Pumpy was his name. 😊

Lana Gorgeous

For a vengeance week and a wonderful movie, you should consider the movie V for Vendetta, starring Natalie Portman. One of her best movies ever and one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Shawn Kildal

OMG! I' doubt anyone has requested The American President more than I have. I'm almost certain that will be one of her favorite movies ever, especially considering her love for the TV series The West Wing. Can't wait!


It's romancing the stone for the live isn't it?


The American President is a perfect choice for a July 4 movie. It’s kind of a combination of rom-com and an early episode of The West Wing. (And speaking of Rob Reiner movies, have you seen This is Spinal Tap? You absolutely must if you haven’t.) And while you’re in NYC I highly recommend the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, which you will love as a movie buff.


Some truly exciting reactions coming up! Enjoy your trip…Yippee-Canada-Eh! 😀

Stick Figure Studios

Well, this is definitely going to be a great week. You will love THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT. It's a sweet, funny, charming little movie (written by Aaron Sorkin of WEST WING fame and directed by Rob Reiner who did STAND BY ME, MISERY, PRINCESS BRIDE and A FEW GOOD MEN, which was also written by Sorkin). It's totally a Cassie movie and if you're ever looking for something in a similar vein, I reiterate my recommendation for DAVE (which I actually like even better). SKYFALL I think you will really enjoy as it is arguably Craig's best Bond movie (I still prefer CASINO ROYALE but it's close). It is many people's favorite. Much to like here including some truly stunning cinematography by the great Roger Deakins (if nothing else, it is the best-looking Bond movie) and a very memorable villain. My wife doesn't care for James Bond but even she loves SKYFALL. Looking forward to your reaction. Congratulations on your invitation to the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE premiere in New York City. NYC is a great destination and DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE is a perfect film to see prior to going as it features the big apple quite prominently (it's virtually its own character). This is my pick for the second best DIE HARD movie. It's actually directed by the same guy who did the original: John McTiernan (who also did PREDATOR and HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER). I'm sure you'll both have fun with it... and with Tom Cruise. As for a Hockey movie recommendation, if you haven't already seen it, you can't go wrong with MIRACLE. It even has Kurt Russell in it. Keep up the good work. :-)

Björn Karlsson

How about a movie from Canada? Cube from 1997 is great 🙃🙂

James UK

Miracle for the hockey movie and I’ve been enjoying Silo. I think it’s very good.

Celeste McAllister

She did that over a year ago,that copy she pulled just happen to be the one I sent to her,lol..hey it's Robert Redford ! ♡


Oh you're going to love The American President... Annette Benning ohhhhh 😍😍

Brent Petty

Military movie: Courage Under Fire. This needs to happen.


If you're in the mood for lighter, fun hockey movie, Goon is really sweet and funny. My favorite Sean William Scott performance!

John Rando

Die Hard with a Vengeance!?! Finally bro

Robin Craft

@Celeste...if there were ever a time for the gif of the bearded Robert Redford nodding it would be now.


Military Classic. Sgt York, Gary Cooper.

Mike Lemon

RE: premier - Your editor is going to go insane. If you guys thought editing The Batman reaction was bad, your "first time watching" reaction during a premier with a full theater is going to be a nightmare. You are doing a reaction, right? :-)

Celeste McAllister

Hockey movies!! 'Slap Shot'1977..'The Mighty Ducks'1992..'Miracle'2004..'Goon' 2011..'The Rocket' 2005..'Indian Horse'2017..'Les Boys'1997..'Mystery Alaska' 1999.


Just my guess but I don't think they'll be allowed to film a reaction during the premier. Way too many people.

Celeste McAllister

I've heard that in Slapshot there's a four letter word used in just about every sentence of dialog,crude sophomoric humor,let's have a look!

Night King01

Ah die hard with a vengeance my personal favorite of the franchise. I’ve rewatched this the most out of all the others.

Larry Darrell

Here’s hoping They pay attention to the song in the beginning of Die Hard. Lovin’ Spoonful’s “Summer in the City,” is one of the Coolest Summer Songs. ….or is it the Hottest?

Celeste McAllister

@Robin..Here here,my dad's favorite,I love that movie the opening scenes were shot around Gunnison river,Uncumpahgre county Colorado where I live..


Congrats on being invited to the premier! Has any other movie reactor been invited to an event like this? Well I hope you have safe travels and a great time on both of your upcoming trips. If you end up with a week with no new content its FINE! Even though they never give it to me- I could sure use some time off work every now and again. You've been blessed with a job that allows you to do that once in a while and most of us here are happy for you in that regard. I'm currently watching Demon Slayer and its so freaking good. My cousins have been hounding me for years- "when you gonna watch an anime? Hey ____ you gotta watch this anime" and I finally broke and gave Demon Slayer a try. I'll definitely be watching more once I finish this series (which wont take long).

Rick Williams

Congratulations on the premier, Cassie and Carly. Let Tom know Carly is single. 😉

Larry Darrell

I’m hoping they Don’t do a Reaction. If they get the chance to go to a Huge “Hollywood” style Premiere in New York, then leave the cameras and mics at the hotel. I hope they Go and Enjoy Themselves, without worrying about lighting and sound. Films are supposed to be Experienced in the Theater, Without Distractions. I’ve said before, I think this whole Reaction thing works best at Home, with Older Films.


During the live announcement they said they would plan to do a rewatch when it comes out. Maybe get some inside stories of their time at the premiere

Robin Craft

Brilliant writing, clever and subtle comedy and a great cast... Michael Douglas, Annette Bening, Martin Sheen, Michael J. Fox and one actor I betcha Cassie won't recognize.

Mike LL

That is a picture of my sister's cat, and I am lucky enough to live with them! He's one cool cat!

Just Plain Bob

Hockey movie? SLAP SHOT. It’s fantastic.


Excellent movie, very underrated. Possibly the best acting of both Denzel Washington's and Meg Ryan's careers.


That is an all star lineup of reactions. And congrats on the premier!

Larry Darrell

I got you Mike. I’m sure if Cassie and Carly got regular Invitations to the Premiere, and they showed up with cameras and microphones and tried to walk into the Theater room with them, they would be swiftly escorted out. A slight possibility that I was thinking of was, the fact that Cassie and Carly were invited because of they’re Reaction Channel, that someone affiliated with the Premiere was Expecting them to do a reaction, and that was part of the invitation, with the agreement of holding the reaction video, until the movie was released on home video. I even wouldn’t be surprised if someone put them in a Special Theatre Box, separated from the rest of the crowd. I would advise them to get out of such an arrangement, so that they could Enjoy themselves the same as every other Premiere attendee. This was all just pure speculation. Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if Paramount tried it though.


Congrats on the invitation to the premiere in New York City! If you have some time, definitely go for a nice walk through some of Central Park. I've been to NYC twice although both times were over a decade ago already. I hope you enjoy your time there and that the premiere is so fun! Definitely take a week off when you're back here in Canada, you deserve that time with your family! Whether there's reactions or not that week, I don't think anyone will mind too much.

nick bell

Googles Bluey......

Shawn Kildal

I think just the music score intro to The American President will have her realizing "where has this movie been all my life?" I really, really hope Carly is joining on that one. I'm sure she is on Skyfall

Caleb Harvey

Hockey movie: mighty ducks

Wesley White

Once again, big congrats going to the NYC premiere for the new Mission Impossible movie for you and Carly, hope you have lots of fun! Really looking forward for your reaction to Die Hard with a Vengeance, finally lol! I'm also really excited for this Thursday's live stream, I always have fun chatting with you during those streams! Have fun and safe travels visiting family in Canada with the kids! Also really looking forward for your reaction to Skyfall, that's possibly my favorite of the Daniel Craig Bond films, I can't bring myself to watch your recent reaction Quantum of Solace, that is the weakest Bond film to me! Tonight, I'll be finishing the final touches of the clip(s) I'll be emailing you after I get home from work tonight, can't wait to send them to you and maybe you (and Carly) watching them lol! Have a great week, love and support, you two are the best, and as always [snaps fingers & winks] stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍🌹

Tim Raths

Congrats on the premiere! You and Carly have officially reached celebrity status.

Shawn Kildal

Aaron Sorkin's The American President came out in 1995 and Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing 1st season was 1999. The American President was directed by Rob Reiner. Cassie has seen a few of his movies already such as Stand by Me, When Harry Meet Sally, Misery, Sleepless in Seattle and A Few Good Men which was also written by Aaron Sorkin.

Shawn Kildal

Someone suggested Peirce Brosnan's The Thomas Crown Affair a day or two ago. Maybe a Renne Russuo week with that along with Lethal Weapon 3 & Tin Cup (co-starring Kevin Costner) as an idea?

Erik Daniel

Just saw the news. Holy H, the premier?!? So happy for you guys, what an incredible experience that will be. They better seat you next to Tom if they know what's good for them. or if they know what's good for Tom I should say. Wow, the premier!! I wish we could have had a reaction video, to THAT reaction lol. I heard Silo is getting some great reviews, maybe I'll give that a shot. I love watching movies on their anniversary so right now I'm going through the 30th anniversary ones, which hurts me to my core to know they are that old. The summer of '93 really was an incredible year for movies. In theatres 30 years ago this week was, Jurassic Park, Last Action Hero and Sleepless in Seattle. Not too shabby.

Stick Figure Studios

I was going to like this comment until you referred to the Bond movie as "so-so." Now I cannot like it just on principle. :-(


Michael Douglas plays an excellent president


Silo is great, really interesting first season. I'd recommend watching "From" as well. Not as scary as the last of Us, but really a great mystery and the best thing on TV at the moment (IMHO). Congrats on the premier invite!

Philip Alan

We both got FANTASTIC NY news on the same day, btw! My photography made Times Square! Pretty stoked. I'm so happy for you two! What a great memory that will be for you ladies!

Rick Williams

Hey Cassie. When you are up there in Canada can you help them put the wildfires out? The wind shifted and we are getting choked out again down here in Ohio. Had another dangerous air quality alert today. It is dark and Smokey out.

Shawn Kildal

Or have THE CONTENDER win the dice game on the last roll.... Still harping on that one.

Shawn Kildal

Someone suggested Peirce Brosnan's Thomas Crown Affair to Cassie a day or two ago. Perhaps make it a Renne Russo week with that movie along with Lethal Weapon 3 and Tin Cup (co-starring Kevin Costner)? Just a thought.

Mike LL

Stick: I guess I let my unenthusiasm get away with me! I guess I can say something positive about Skyfall, the music is allright. It's OK you didn't like my comment, but I liked your comment about you not liking my comment anyway! Shawn: Thanks, Shawn!

Shawn Kildal

Unless I'm mistaken, didn't The Perfect Storm win second place in the disaster poll and Dante's Peak finish 3rd? Not that it matters really. I wonder if The Perfect Storm fanatics lose their minds each time Cassie says Dante's Peak won 2nd place. Plus it's referenced on the YouTube Upcoming.

Brent Petty

Yep. By the director of Glory, The Last Samurai, and Legends of the Fall. Also starring a pre-Good Will Hunting Matt Damon, with a special appearance by Samwise Gamgee: Sean Astin.

Stick Figure Studios

I think there's plenty good to say about it, but at the top of the list it also has some truly stunning cinematography by the great Roger Deakins (even those who hate the film acknowledge this). If nothing else, it is easily the best-looking Bond movie ever made.

Brian Lowery

For hockey, why not a TV series? Shoresy is the best sports TV series I’ve ever seen. It’s on Hulu, and season 1 is only six episodes. It’s from the creators of the Canadian comedy series Letterkenny, and takes place in Sudbury. It’s hilarious, but it also has a ton of heart.

Godzilla Jones

I ain't telling you what to do, but Lonesome Dove is on Starz right now.

Mike Lemon

People have been trying for months to get Thomas Crown. If I remember right, it even made a poll. I think I voted for it. Looking... Oh, it's been longer than I thought - April 19, 2022 (heist poll). It got 4th place. Now I have to go watch the end again.

Desmond King Descepticon

Love the American President was in high school when it came out, and I seen it before my parents, I told them how good it was, after they seen it, they were like it was good like you said and why do you like movies like this ROFL.

Mike Lemon

A movie that needs added to the military/war poll (or a classics poll) is Spartacus (1960). It would be a nice break from the heaviness of modern war movies.

Happy Hanukkah

For the military movie poll, I nominate Kenneth Branagh's Henry V (1989). Yes, it's Shakespeare, but Branagh makes it quite approachable. (Not to mention that it has a memorable scene with Christian Bale. :-P )

Larry Darrell

Just watched the Announcement video. Too Cool! Y’all are Awesome and You Both should feel Proud of Yourselves. You Done Good. Now, the Question. If They have a Chance of meeting Tom Cruise coming up… What Film is a Must See beforehand? I suggest watching Risky Business (1983). Or is there another? Adding it to Ben’s Birthday Movies of Rain Man & Minority Report, would be awesome as well. Time to Rearrange the Schedule. ;-)

Clint Patac

Love your Channel, congratulations on the Mission Impossible premier! Hope you ladies have fun! Looking forward to future content. Some other movies I’m hoping you do reactions to are “As Good As It Gets”, “The Truman Show”, “That Thing You Do”, “Ed Tv”, “Cocktail” and “The Thomas Crown Affair”, all movies which have great romances to varying degrees. Either way keep up the great work and wishing you and Carly continued success and blessings.

Rodger Johnson

Ooooh She's gonna LOVE The American President!

Mike Lemon

My pro-tip - stick to shorter series but if you insist on the longer shows, be sure to look up the filler episodes and skip them. There is no reason Naruto needed 700+ episodes or Dragonball Z needed almost 300. Hit the highlights and move on. For some "older" recommendations- Record of Lodoss War, Iria: Zeiram the Animation, Ghost in the Shell (all of them, but specifically Stand Alone Complex), and Gundam Wing. That's not the best out there, but they're fun and what introduced me to anime. Oh, and Vampire Hunter D - almost forgot that one. edit- and English dubs are fine for all of those.


For the Monthly Military Movie, I'd like to nominate Spielberg's, "Empire of the Sun (1987)" based on J. G. Ballard's autobiographical novel. For inspiration for questions to ask Tom Cruise should you meet him, maybe watch "Vanilla Sky (2001)" which is probably one of his most underrated performances. Or, maybe ask him is there is anything that informs his work since working with Stanley Kubrick in Eyes Wide Shut.

Bill W

I didn't say she couldn't make it through, just that she probably won't enjoy it.

Bill W

Stick Figure Studios Javier Bardem is an awesome bad guy and I liked his back story.

Bill W

Aaron Sorkin also wrote A Few Good Men. I guess he's kinda good at that subject matter. =D

Henry Graham

I'm really happy for you guys getting the premiere invite. At the recent London premiere, Tom spent two and a half hours meeting fans outside, he even did a video call with a friend of mine (she was a hysterical sobbing mess afterwards). The screening started super late because he wanted to cover as many fans as possible. Nobody does it like him.

rakeshldn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:05:55 Some good movie choices here. Wow, Die hard with a Vengance. That was a really good movie. Unfortunately the series installments after it were terrible. Personally, i'd stick with keeping this as a Trilogy and not bother with the last two after this as it really does bring the series down. Sky fall was okay. Some of the plot didn't make sense to me, but I'll discuss in the thread after you have watched it. The American President was really well done. It's a nice lazy Sunday afternoon movie if you know what I mean. I particularly enjoyed his speech near the end of the movie.
2023-06-28 15:24:32 Some good movie choices here. Wow, Die hard with a Vengance. That was a really good movie. Unfortunately the series installments after it were terrible. Personally, i'd stick with keeping this as a Trilogy and not bother with the last two after this as it really does bring the series down. Sky fall was okay. Some of the plot didn't make sense to me, but I'll discuss in the thread after you have watched it. The American President was really well done. It's a nice lazy Sunday afternoon movie if you know what I mean. I particularly enjoyed his speech near the end of the movie.

Some good movie choices here. Wow, Die hard with a Vengance. That was a really good movie. Unfortunately the series installments after it were terrible. Personally, i'd stick with keeping this as a Trilogy and not bother with the last two after this as it really does bring the series down. Sky fall was okay. Some of the plot didn't make sense to me, but I'll discuss in the thread after you have watched it. The American President was really well done. It's a nice lazy Sunday afternoon movie if you know what I mean. I particularly enjoyed his speech near the end of the movie.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:05:55 So my friend is a background actor, in Los Angeles, he told me that you could be with the press, which he has never been part of that. So he doesn't know. You could also be special guest of the studio. In which you would go through a different entrance then the main actors.
2023-06-28 16:30:35 So my friend is a background actor, in Los Angeles, he told me that you could be with the press, which he has never been part of that. So he doesn't know. You could also be special guest of the studio. In which you would go through a different entrance then the main actors.

So my friend is a background actor, in Los Angeles, he told me that you could be with the press, which he has never been part of that. So he doesn't know. You could also be special guest of the studio. In which you would go through a different entrance then the main actors.

Robert da Spruce

An invite to the Mission Impossible premiere? Wow! That’s awesome! Which begs the question. “What are you gonna wear?” 🥺


Congratulations on being invited to NYC for the premier -- very cool. My suggestions for entries in the next Monthly Military poll: 1) Dr. Strangelove 2) U-571 3) Stripes How about an Alien Invasion poll? {in no particular order} 1) The War of the Worlds (1953) 2) War of the Worlds (2005) 3) The Day the Earth Stood Still 4) Mars Attacks 5) Earth vs the Flying Saucers 6) more???

John Liebling

You'll enjoy The Big Country - with Gregory Peck and a young Charlton Heston/


Close Encounters might fit. There are really two categories - an invaders category and another that is less hostile or even friendly 1) Alien Invasions: The War of the Worlds, War of the Worlds, Mars Attacks, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, Cowboys & Aliens, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (+ other candidates?) 2) Alien Encounters: The Day the Earth Stood Still, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Abyss, Men in Black (+ other candidates?) (MiB might fit in both categories)

R Harper

Is there a live watch along tonight?


Yes! Skyfall 😁👍🏽