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As I said in the outro... I think we broke the record for the amount of  times we say "tender" in a reaction haha!! Hope you guys like this one! Also, you may notice a change in scenery... We recently finished our basement and we're moving the PiB room down there. It's still a work in progress in more ways than one (decor, audio, camera position etc.. etc..) but they will be worked on over the next week or two! Let me know if you have any suggestions! LOVE YOU ALL <3!

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[Full Reaction] Three Men and a Baby (1987)


Brian McGovern

Dundee. YT and 3 men and a baby. Has Christmas come again?

Ben Livingstone

Okay, you really have to do THREE GODFATHERS now!

Bill Maurer

Great movie. Haven't seen it in years, guess that streak will end later today

Brian McGovern

LOL. Leeroy Nimond? 😅😂

Brian McGovern

Sorry. Another quick post, BUT 5 dollars a kernel for POPCORN? Chew slowly ladies.

Gábor Árki

Fun fact about THREE MEN AND A BABY, it earned roughly the same at the box office than three other 1987 releases: LETHAL WEAPON, PREDATOR, and ROBOCOP. Combined.


Awww, I was hoping for Tron Legacy tonight, but I guess this will do. Even though I don't like the cheesiness of this movie and watched it a bunch of times in the 80s as a kid, watching with you guys might make it fun. Edit: Movie is more enjoyable as an adult, but for it's story, not it's 80'sness, haha. The 80'sness is the cheese I disliked. Something I noticed while watching, there's a background extra at 6 mins and 22 secs in that Jack says hi to who looks EXACTLY like Mark Paul Gosslaar AKA Zach Morris from Saved By The Bell.. It's wild! But Mark Paul was too young to be that old in 1986, he must've been like 12 - 14. The guy looks just like him in the 90's though.

James UK

So I guess the obvious thing now is for you to both watch the sequel, Three Men and a Little Lady.

Brian McGovern

I was trying to remember a fact about this movie I found out a while ago and then I remembered. The tall drug dealer was played by Earl Hindman who played Wilson Wilson, Tim Taylor’s next door neighbour in Home Improvement. I think the ladies recognised Peter’s girlfriend from Gossip Girl. Never saw the show, but I think Cassie has mentioned it before and how she refuses to speak about it after something they did on the show. Was that Gossip Girl or some other show? Possibly 7th Heaven because I think she mentioned it in the Star Trek reaction.

Brent Petty

LOL. When they first got Mary, there for about 10 minutes I thought Cassie was going to try to jump through the screen and grab her. You both looked so stressed. :)


Lovely to see that cameo from the inimitable Celeste Holm!

Brian Harris

Now you guys need to watch Three Men and a Little Lady. It might actually be an even better movie. It really deepens and complicates these relationships, and Sylvia is a much more important character, arguably the co-lead.

Brent Petty

Fun fact: Tom Selleck (Peter the architect) was a finalist for the role of Indiana Jones.

Brent Petty

They will not need to do the sequel: Three Men and a Little Lady. It is not up to par.

Brian McGovern

https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/17322135/whatever-happened-three-men-and-a-baby-twins/. Simple fact of life. Babies grow up. I feel so old knowing that the babies from this movie are now mothers themselves, at least one is.

D. T. Nelson

The sequel, Three Men and a Little Lady, is almost as good as this one.

Katie Jackson

I knew you'd both love this movie and I wasn't disappointed! Your reaction was sweet and tender and I had a blast revisiting this classic with you guys. Definitely check out the sequel. You'll love that one to. For another great 80's movie you should check out Look Who's Talking with John Travolta & Kirstie Alley

Terry Yelmene

"A series of unfortunate events!" ...that ended in love... for Mary! Such a fun react!

Timothy Roberts

Looking forward to Three Men and a Little Lady.

Rodger Johnson

Leeroy Neemon is the best name I've ever heard! I'm so stealing that.

Jay Davis

I hear Leeroy Neemon once climbed Mount Sulu.

Raven Dark

Leeroy Neeman, huh? LMAO. The jokes have already started in the comments. Something tells me you ladies aren't going to live that one down. You're stuck with it now. :D What a fun reaction. This was pure joy. Thank you for giving me a little time to forget about real life for a while. As much as I love this movie, I like the second one even more. Cassie and Carley, you have got to watch Three Men and a Little Lady. That movie practically has a PIB stamped on it.


wow, I had forgotten all about this movie. Really fun though. Tom Selleck (Peter), of course most famous for the tv series Magnum P.I. is endlessly charismatic. He also had a memorable stint on Friends, and as someone already mentioned - originally cast as Indiana Jones. As good as he is, it's hard to imagine Indiana Jones not being Harrison Ford. He also did a series of TV movies as Jesse Stone.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

So I just wanted the outro, this type of movie is actually my kind of movie I love "tender" movies. However I absolutely can't stand Steve Guttenberg. So it's back to watching Masters Of The Air which btw is really really good. At least the first two episodes are. Between Masters Of The Air and the new True Detective, Two great shows. The movie Spaceman comes out on Netflix which my friend was a stand-in for one of the stars in that movie. Godspeed Cassie sorry I just can't bring myself to watch this movie. Which I only watched one movie this week with you and only one last week. I can't stand Tron. Which all I can say is thank God for Classic Superbowls on YouTube and ESPN classic. At least there is the Extra Butter thing tonight.

Mojo One Thousand

I was thinking it may have Independence Day where they recognised Margaret Colin (Rebecca, Peter's girlfriend), she plays a press secretary or some such for Bill Pullman's president. But yeah, I looked it up, Gossip Girl, never watched it some have idea what her role was, but likely a mother of one of the main characters.

Mojo One Thousand

Yeah, Cassie reminded me of my sister when she hears a child crying for a while, just wanting to intervene and help with all their motherly knowledge.

Phillip Bates

Now you have to do the sequel: Three Men and a Little Lady. The girl is a bit older, and super cute, and the story is still fun and tender.


Lol what did Steve Guttenberg do? He built Johnny 5!!

Mojo One Thousand

I think I may have watched this more recently than I thought. I think I found on Disney+in my region and just threw it on as something to do in the early days of the COVID pandemic. I knew there would be a lot that Cassie and Carly would enjoy about this. I completely forgot there is a drug smuggling/package confusion sub-plot to this until the guy started talking about the package at the party. I think being a bit of fan of Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson for their various other projects as a kid in the 80s draw me to watching this the first time around and I have always enjoyed for different reasons as I have aged. I have always related to "Peter" the most, not sure if it was Selleck's massive 'stache, being an architect or how quickly he picked up the father role and loving "Mary". Signing "Mary" to sleep always stuck with me, and it would have been the reason I used to sing to some of nephews in a baritone-y voice to help get them to sleep on occasion, just never with "Goodnite Sweetheart". I also have wanted to watched the original French movie that this was based on (Trois hommes et un couffin - Three men and a cradle) to see how similar they are, but I haven't got around to it.


"Which one is Tom Selleck?" hurt my heart lol. I'm glad you enjoyed it though.


Surprised if they haven't seen Friends! Tom Selleck is a legend. Still cool in Blue Bloods.

Story Archer

Anyone think we need a PiB Bingo card? 'Fetch', 'That's so Tender!', 'A-Money-Money', 'Oh My Gosh!', Identifying an actor by their voice as an animated character, 'my palms are sweating', 'I don't think I can watch this' and, of course 'I REALLY don't think I can watch this'. I'm taking suggestions here - a Bingo card has 25 spots on it.

Story Archer

Everyone knows about the history surrounding the urban legend of the 'ghost kid', right?

Story Archer

Each to their own, of course, but I genuinely can't imagine Steve Guttenberg inspiring such a visceral reaction from anyone... just seems like an odd hill to die on.

Steve Holton

New setup looks great! Especially that “Lit” headboard. 👍

Ryan Towell

I remember that being a big deal, but it was shown that it was actually a cardboard cut out of Ted in a tux and top hat.


I'm looking forward to this reaction. I've only watched your Intro and Outro. But I'll watch the whole thing soon. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you both return for Three Men & A Little Lady. All 3 dads and Silvia reprise their roles. P.S. Looking forward to the development of your new reaction room.

Celeste McAllister

Looking forward to seeing your new PIB 'Popcave'..now I know why my mom had such a crush on Tom Selleck!🔥❤

Mike LL

Well that was fun. I hadn't seen this movie since it came out, so it was like seeing it for the first time. I knew Cassie and Carly would be super into it. It was tailor made for them. Leeroy Neemon, huh? So funny. But after the name of the director himself, Leeroy Neemon, comes on screen, I swear you can hear his voice saying "Evening" and "Yes, ma'am" when you see people getting out of a taxi. It really did sound like he did a voice cameo in this movie. Since Cassie liked Tom Selleck so much, maybe it is time for QUIQLEY DOWN UNDER?

Christian Rennie

This is a classic and has always been one of my favorites! I really hope you both get to see the sequel. It is even more your style! It's "Three Men And a Little Lady," and I think you'll love it more than this one. Tom Selleck is a gem. Did you know he was up to play Indiana Jones instead of Harrison Ford?

Just Plain Bob

I think Tom Selleck was also under consideration to play Han Solo in Star Wars. Two huge roles lost out to Harrison Ford. I like Selleck but it’s difficult to imagine anyone in either of those roles other than Ford. Selleck is quite good in “High Road To China”, which has an Indiana Jones vibe to it. But, like the actor himself, it seems like “Indy Lite”, not the real deal.

Story Archer

Good one. What do you think about 'Oooooooh boy.'? I'm going to have to do some re-watches to get some good stuff - not just sayings but doings as well. Like a jump scare where things actually fly up in the air, or when an actor is 100% positively identified as being someone in a movie they were never in.

Thomas Thompson

A grown man crying at silly 80s comedy, ridiculous.

Jen Barnes

Please please please watch the sequel, 3 Men and a Little Lady, you will LOVE it!

Julie Lazenby

I love this movie!!!!!! I agree with Jen Barnes, watch the sequel!!! I almost died when you asked which one was Tom Selleck... I love Tom Selleck (Magnum P. I., Blue Bloods, etc....) And Ted Danson (Jack) from one of the greatest 80s TV shows, Cheers....

Rick Williams

It's been so long since I had seen this movie that I didn't remember hardly any of it. It was like watching it for the first time. Great movie. Great Reaction Ladies.

Uncle Phoenix

That’s interesting. Paul Harvey has a really tender story about how Tom Selleck had to work as carpenter during the writer’s union strike for six months just to survive. He was forced to pass on Indiana Jones and forced to be unemployed in Hawaii for six months.

Delia P

Rebecca was the ‘ex’ wife of Jeff Goldblum’s character in Independence Day, she worked for the president.

Aj R

You need to watch the Sequel "Three Men and the Little Lady" its really "Tender" too. ;)

Robert da Spruce

Such a sweet movie 🫶 I haven’t seen it in such a long time. You and Carly definitely need to watch the sequel!


Remember watching this with my grandmother when I was but a wee youngin. Brings back good memories, but good lord, also makes me feel old...

Larry Darrell

After Three Men and a Baby & Crocodile Dundee, I had to go watch my favorite 80s Tribute video, set to the song “Waiting for a Star to Fall” by Boy Meets Girl… which is the song from the End Credits of the sequel, Three Men and a Little Lady (1990)… which is a song Cassie will maybe one day hear about 30 seconds of, before She turns the credits off. ;-) I doubt there will ever be another ERA like 80s Films & Television. It was a Special Time. I still have hopes we’ll get there again, though. https://youtu.be/Z0eflYLkI4A?si=9qJXjTDmVWz38bSG I could watch this on Loop. (-: And I do sometimes :-)

John Liebling

Not sure if Cassie or Carly has seen "A Walk To Remember" if not it would be a good romantic movie for February. It was released in 2002.


My thoughts exactly! I think it's just as good as this one!


I love Look Who's Talking, that would be such a fun reaction!

Clay F

I like Tom Selleck and Ted Danson. I watched Magnum PI in high school/college in the 80s (broadcast on CBS). Skip the sequel.

Mojo One Thousand

I was thinking about "Runaway" with the other sci-fi stuff that has been coming up lately. Can't remember if it was prior to this "Three men and baby" was in the mix, so not sure if "I, robot" or Selleck or both made me rhink of it. I think I upped it in the app as well.

Gábor Árki

I didn't hear about him being considered for Solo, but a lot of now famous actors have been rumored to read the part. The screen test of Kurt Russell is even public. But he won the role of Indy. He was the first choice and was offered the part. The problem was he already had a contract with CBS due to the Magnum pilot and when they picked up the show, they refused to share him with a movie production.

Raj Hudek

Dude! This is a classic! I watched this movie several times when I was child. Nostalgia titan for sure. Can't wait to see ya'll react to it!


You should check out Tom Selleck in 'Blue Bloods'

Clifton Owens

Three bachelors who love and know how to be smooth and manipulate grown women become fumbling with formula, bottles, and diapers and fall under the spell of love for a very miniature little lady to let the love they have in their hearts out. Good Story.

Lyle Morgan

Leroy Neiman was an artist famous for painting athletes. He did the painting at the end of Rocky 3 and appeared as a ring announcer in Rocky 4. He's the guy with the fantastic mustache.

Scott Macaulay

Haven't watched this one since it came out. It was fun watching it with Cassie. Good introduction to Tom Selleck I guess. I'll always remember him as TV's Magnum P.I.


My curiosity got to me after watching this and I went ahead and washed the sequel after remembering it, but not the plot. Better than the first one, less '80s corniness. You guys are going to absolutely love it. I could relate to Peter a hell of a lot in it. He's like a buff version of my stepdad in appearance. Same mustache.


I'm a fresh pop to your Patreon. I show movies to my friends just so I can see their reactions, so your channel is like a fireplace and a cozy chair for me. I looked over your watched list and I didn't see a few so I thought I'd throw a couple of suggestions your way, then I'll just vote in the polls. . The Last Starfighter: '80s, early CGI (labeled as "more CGI than TRON"), coming of age sci-fi, fun, adventure, with a touch of romance. And one of my favorite actors, Robert Preston. IQ - RomCom Meg Ryan, Tim Robbins, and Walter Matthau as Albert Einstein. Hopscotch - 70's comedy, Walter Matthau plays a game of wits with his ex-peers at the CIA. Situational funniness. But this is the best! Just an hour on YouTube- *Peter Pan Goes Wrong. The title says what it is. It's shot as a live play and their timing is incredible. I got a stitch in my side, I laughed so hard. (Six, half-hour episodes of the "Goes Wrong" series with the same actors are also on YouTube). Anyway, thanks for your consideration, I really enjoy your channel!

Clay F

Under "PATREON FAQ'S/START HERE" above, there is a "popcorn requests" link [https://www.popcornrequests.com] that you can enter your requests. That is the best way to have your input tabulated.

Shyam Nair

Cassie have you ever watched Cheers? I think you would love it.


That’s so funny! When I hear a baby crying and I know there’s nothing “wrong,” my mom’s voice pops into my head, telling me to let the baby cry for just a little while and then check on them. Sometimes they’re just “re-settling”!

Brent Petty

You picked 2 good 80s films recently. If you're looking for more: Wargames, FireFox, and Final Countdown are great.

Christopher B.

If you're looking to continue on heartfelt 80's comedies, I think one right up your alley is "The Money Pit" with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long.


You prob need to watch about a boy.

phillip giroux

If you liked this one, you'll love the sequel. I that it's just your mind of movie.

Delia P

I forgot how much I like this, loved Peter and Michael being nervous dads. I think you and Carly should watch Three Fugitives from 1989 with Nick Nolte and Martin Short, it's in a kind of similar vain to this and funny as well as "tender".


I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I ever expected. Well written and acted (especially Tom Selleck, who to me really holds this film together beautifully) some fine direction by Nimoy.

Kevin (31Mike)

Are you going to watch Three Man and a Little Lady?