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Membership price

  • 5$ is worth for your models 89
  • No, not worth 15
  • 2024-10-06
  • —2024-10-29
  • 104 votes
{'title': 'Membership price', 'choices': [{'text': '5$ is worth for your models', 'votes': 89}, {'text': 'No, not worth', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 29, 12, 4, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 6, 13, 16, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 104}


Okay, after a month of voting, most of you guys accepted my new price, big thanks from my heart!

I will setup new price next month, so if anyone can't access new post, please check.

Also, from next month, I will try to diversify models. I will do more about items like toys, machines, animals,... if I could, not just nudable models.

About maps/environments, I will not promise of doing this. I did a lot of RE environments in the past, but the cost is very much time spend on those, at least 5 days to do each one of them. So if I did some maps/environments in the future, I will just let small or has few objects for free members and keep big/has many objects stay for membership.

Let me know what you thought.   



If you change to 5 $ you should upload more models with more quality, its true you do a lot of good models but some of the models are mostly unesufull.


$5 is worth it. The thing is if you're increasing the price, can you port more than just male and female character models? It'd be cool to see more monster, stage/scenery and item/weapon models.

Benoît Firer

$5 is fine, but as compensation for the increase you could do something like having people vote on what models they want to see.


im talking like one of your first and most loyal patreons, I would prefer better models, females in concrete, but objects and stages can be found free so for me is a waste of money if you increase the price and post things that in my case doesnt worth the cost.

E-Ryona 1995

Hello. As advice, I would ask you to focus solely on your models. Well, as they said before, the scenarios and objects can be obtained for free. You will waste a lot of time doing things that don't attract as much attention compared to the models (especially female)

Toalét Lahét

If not count of stages ported to xps, most of else are for blender, daz. I don't know how many people want me to do more about this, but the way I see, most of you guys no need this too much. So I will just do stages as a extra content when I had more free times.

Toalét Lahét

If I just focus on female characters, I think that will be lazy work. Males, monsters, animals... I don't see them often and I think you know we need more of this.


I think most of the people here want mainly female models, if you begin to post males, animals and creatures i Will reconsider to keep paying this, and like me a lot of people im afraid

E-Ryona 1995

Okay, good luck with the models, I will continue supporting you because I love your models. As a content creator I will always advise you to prioritize production times and focus on those that are more profitable and whose production is not so complicated. Greetings and a hug :D