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Over a year of working on Patreon, can be say, it's successful. The number of member are stable, same on my earning... until January.

I don't know why my earning keep going down each month. Number of posts even more on february and march. I'm start thinking it can be financial crisis from USA, but I can't for sure.

Next month I will do a experiment, raise up membership from 3$ to 4$. It's not too much, but I think enough to see this situation can be improve. I know that some of you affected by that financial crisis, so I will just do this for a month and do a poll for keep the price or not.

Edit: Sorry for my terrible English




No worries. Sometimes it happens after Christmas due to people spending lots of money

Vector Schmidt

I hope you port as many dazwraps models as you can, you can charge as much as you want as long as you keep the good models coming the support won't go anywhere.