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Okay, after a month of 4$ patreon member price, my earnings are going back even more. Now, as promise,  I'm doing a poll for you guys about keeping this price or not.

This poll will open until next month, the price will be chosen by majority.


Victor Jones

Being truthful, your the best out there. If you needed more to more money… your worth it.

Vector Schmidt

4 is ok, besides you need to pay for the Models too.


If you allow us to Mesh mod models with your model heads and Outfits and restore some of your old model links. I'd pay you 5 bucks


To increase cashflow, would you consider taking commissions for ports? I can think of a few existing blender models on smutbase I'd love to see brought over to xps

Toalét Lahét

I do take comissions, just not usually. Just left me a message for the model you want me to do, i will research and reply.

Geron Kizan

I think 4 dollars is great. You do great work. Probably maybe you can do specialized requests down the line for contributors, which can draw some extra cashflow for ya (really hope you can do Jessie's Mom and a Claire Redfield with her hair down at some point :D). Anyway keep up the good work. Much love to you, dddkhakka.

Mark Murderous

I was all for 4 dollars until it made me not a patreon anymore.