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We've recently been doing a new round of experimentation with UI elements to get a better idea of how the game is going to look during visual novel segments, as well as testing out bringing completed assets into this space. What you can see above is currently the leading design we are working towards and gives an idea of how the game may start to look when builds are being compiled of the actual game.




I could personally suggest making the font bigger and placing maximum of two rows at a time. It is much easier to read when you need to skip text more often than to get lost in a huge amount of it. I don't know about the rest, but was struggling with it during the last Sunrider.

Wesley Crowe

Giving the option for different font sizes and rows would be good, but I think three rows would be the sweet spot. The text shown in this image can be divided into two different lines easily "The armies of Veniczar Arcadius meth the forces of the Dark Prince at New Edar to determine the fate of the Asahi Isle. It is here that facts melt into myth and myth becomes weaponized into propaganda." "Some claim that Veniczar Arcadius pledged a blood oath with a demonic witch to fell the Dark Prince; others claim Arcadius defeated the Dark Prince in glorious hand-to-hand combat."