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Crystalline Furret

Being forced to deal with discomfort can be enlightening, and nothing improves by avoiding it.


That's a fucking corpse, its like her organs were scooped out, and yet she lives


She looks more "deflated" due to her legs so far apart from the broken pelvis


Of course, but if you are an agent that joined thinking there were no life risk... time to quit ^^¿

Ben Bauer

it is so fucked up that he posted this ... and he put her Tail on his Wall like a Trophy ...


The confusion and chaos is really well done. I love the composition of the group pieces, they're really fantastic. Also the way that Alan bonks his antlers into the window, it really helps accent his frustration with what's going on. You did such a great job with the layout, too. The way that the body is framed and how it dominates the background, as well as the detail of her tail in the freezer. It doesn't just accent the horror of it all for the agents, it also creates a new level of conflict: they didn't expect to be fighting thinking, reasoning, and cruel creatures like the new infected are, after all. There's terror at what happened to Ambar and the idea she's dead, but also that important element of having to deal with something cunning and intelligent and eager to hurt you.