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I noticed the logo MK on the screen. As in..MK-Ultra?

Crystalline Furret

I take it they're used to extract a nanite or clump of nanites from one's body and reconfigure it. Perhaps an obsolete machine, for it'd be very convenient to simplify that process so you can perform it on the go, and nanites- in being reconfigurable multipurpose tools, perhaps they can do it themselves, and we know in their current iteration they can affect the mind with precision, so not a big stretch that the nanites have been developed to read or intercept conscious thought, emotional state, and other autonomic nerve impulses, and reconfigure in response to that- body modification on the fly.

Crystalline Furret

May have very interesting form(s) of biometric protection. Hence not being so easy to turn on, they're literally not Croccus.


The most dangerous mind isn't the one that hides anything...it's the one that shows everything but hides something. Bunny boy's diabolical, that's a massive no-duh and obviously has something hidden in plain sight. As far as they know? they found all his toys, job well done in their eyes. Though as it shows they're skeptical and cautious enough to know not everything is as it seems.


It's really amazing how good you are not just at the organic and bodies, but the mechanical and setting and structure. You capture that laboratory environment fantastically well and you're doing a really good job using the world itself as part of the narrative and to move the story along.