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I guess she gave the promise to Duke, not to Alan.


Please cure him for her.


Let's hope, that whatever Dr. Crocus did in issue 3 at the end did not do too much damage.


The shot of Ambar's face there, head on, is especially poignant and powerful. It's so vulnerable, not just because of the injuries, but without the makeup and everything, and without the usual mask of pep and joy she has. That's extremely, extremely well done. Likewise you've done a truly wonderful job here with Alan's character. The big guy really DOES care a lot. And you make sure to keep him consistently firm and tough, but you also show that he cares. That's a really hard line to walk and something a lot of people fail with in writing and characterization; they'll make a character who is "tough" and "strong" but "cares," and yet they never actually show the caring part. You just hear his underlings talking about how nice a guy he secretly is so it just comes across as sort of stockholm syndromey/convincing themselves he's not an asshole. Here we really see the depth of just how much Alan cares for his subordinates. And the fact that in spite of being such a big strong, serious dude, he sees even these "whores" who protect the city as his equals, as worthy of respect. Really well done.