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So many letters.




Can’t wait for the big belly reveal


So wait, if each child has a photo and a letter then she's carrying at least 56 kids?! This is going to be amazing!

Chris Kalin

Well at least she's not "too shy" about being that big! :D


why do i feel like Limhal is going to leave her the moment she tells him of the 58+ kids in her belly?


I was so busy playing the never ending story theme in my head that I actually missed that.

Ryan D

its going to be a LOT more than 56. Especially if they printed one for each baby up to "Triple D" A-Z then AA-ZZ then AAA-DDD A-Z is 26. (AA-ZZ) is 26*26, AAA-CZZ is (AA-ZZ)*3 or Add in DA?,DB? and DC? (26 each) and DDA-DDD (4) you get... 26+(26×26)+((26×26)×3)+(26×3)+4 and this is as the script says /AT LEAST/... or she's having at least 2812 babies.


Hate to spoil things, but I'm worried you went straight to plaid. (Spaceballs reff) A-B then AA,BB,CC, then AAA,BBB,CCC. at least thats how it works in my universe. So no two thousand plus kids, sorry. BUT she did say they ran out of paper at "DDD" so who knows how many are in there.

Ryan D

Aaah, I was thinking Base 26, not A-Z, AA-ZZ,AAA-..