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Hi! :3 It seems like there was a problem with the halloween audio that made it hidden. It should be fixed now! thanks for allerting me through messages! It most likely had something to do with the bunny boys so that portion of the audio has been cut out.. Hope you understand!

The audio has now been submitted for review! so it might take a while before the actual post is available again! thanks for your patience 💛 So glad to hear you're all so excited about it !

have fun with the audio <3

New content super soon!!!


Elly Belly

Can't wait 🎃


The bj focused portion is gone now? 😧


aw dang it the bunny boys part was my fav 😔


i can't waitꕀ⋆

Zane Ogden

Wondered . Now I know it’s not on my end 🙃


Is there any possibility to listen the bunny boys part in somewhere else? I really want to listen that part...😢

Squidmonster 1

I can’t find the new Halloween audio it says post is hidden


I'll try my best to recreate that specific part and update the full audio again! But that might take a while.. First the audio needs approval again before appearing back online ~


It's still being reviewed before it can get back online :3 it said it might take a few days..


Take your time, we all appreciate you working so hard on it! Maybe there’s a way to re-upload the full thing eventually, but I look forward to hearing it when it’s back either way :3

Coppelia Rose

Still can't see it I'm afraid 😔


It’s been 5 days…