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Zorua Wolfie-san

I wonder if Alpha takes measures to kind of prevent that happening. Yay Yen deserves a hug.

Zorua Wolfie-san

Wonder if people are misunderstanding the Alpha here. You can’t take everything people say in face value. Like you actually need to mate the person and get to know them. Though is the Alpha, Yen romantic interest because he haven’t meet him yet in story.

Zorua Wolfie-san

If that’s the case then can’t someone talk or teach the Alpha that somethings people can’t do. Nothing is going to change if people keep there mouths shut.

Zorua Wolfie-san

It’s possible that Alpha was raised in a environment like and people have done it to him.

Zorua Wolfie-san

Oh boy this awkward to explain to Liam.

Zorua Wolfie-san

It’s good Yan has a friend from home. Wouldn’t the Alpha check to see how newcomers are adjusting to there new home. I wonder when the Alpha became fur touched and how young you be for it to happen?

Artesian Antibiotics

Is there any more chapters to this story? Or is this the end?