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Hi everyone^^ I released a new making out with gamer best friend audio earlier on youtube with a promised extension here on Patreon. It is coming soon! not yet but probably tomorrow! My brother had to wake me up because I fell asleep while editing custom audios earlier so I didn't get to finish my schedule for tonight. the NSFW part needs a little more tweaking but it will be finished shortly :3 hope you understand! have a lovely evening/night!



Get your rest honey ❤️❤️


Pace yourself, my dude! No more working until you fall asleep at the computer!


Take your time my love, im sure we'd All prefer a better quality audio later then lesser quality sooner, and im DEFINITELY sure we'd all prefer you get some well deserved rest (which you obviously need if youre falling asleep editing audios! Now dont make me be a mum! Im much older than you so I WILL do that if needed! Off to bed with you!)

fran darling

Have another short holiday! Don’t burn out ^^

Gautier Knight

Bruh get some rest! Try not to overwork yourself so much :c it's all good! We will be here to listen anytime it is ready!

Hobi Kookie

Make sure to get some rest!! We'll be waiting here for when you are ready to release audios. You shouldn't have to overwork yourself to the point that you fall asleep while making them!! Take care 💛


Sure no problem! Don't push yourself too hard Kodah, we love you 💛

Dragon Crow

Don't overwork yourself! Remember to take some rest! 🖤