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Dame Jonah Schwazsturm is one of the finest warriors in Theria. Though she keeps her childhood and history back in her native Schwinehold a closely guarded secret, it is rumored that she is or was a member of the Schwinehold nobility; a highborn Lady. You wouldn't know it if you met her. Crass, aggressive and bold; she was given the title 'The Blade Breaker' for obvious reasons.

Blade Breakers are native to Schweinhold, warriors who use their control of mana not only to wield massive Zweihänders with ease and speed, as well as having the ability to focus their quintessence into condense pockets of power causing 'Mana Breaks'. These minor disruptions in the flow are devastating in their small area of effect, and the Blade Breakers use this technique to break magical defenses, physical shields and of course... blades. Blade Breakers are rare outside of Schweinhold and the only two in Lioncourt happen to have both served in the Holy Order of Raven Knights; though where as the Sword Shaman Riyo Vandeleur  is a master, Dame Jonah is a prodigy. 

The art for this fantastic piece was done by Furry Bob. He's fucking amazing! You definitely need to go check him out on his FA @




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