Appreciative Kobolds by Sleepy Goatus (Patreon)
Despite the fact that the Dalish have been the ancient enemy of Sauria since before the founding of Lioncourt as a kingdom; kobolds, the lowliest of Saurians have held very little grudges against the furkin of the valley. Though often used as fodder for the Saurian war machine and expendable skirmishers, kobolds themselves usually do not hold any particular ill will towards any one group; simply obeying their masters whomever they may be.
As such, many kobolds who end up displaced or abandoned by there Saurian lords are happy to loyally serve there once enemies should it keep them alive. Because of there proclivity toward cowardice in the face of daunting tasks or odds, as well as a cultural leaning toward submissiveness to higher powers, kobolds tend to be able to make homes anywhere if given the opportunity, despite any hardships or prejudice they face.
Adolyn Valenrow is a well known figure to kobold kin all around Theria. As the heir to the Duke of Evandale and the former leader of the most storied Company of the Border Legion; the caracal has both fought against and killed many kobolds in his day. Despite this, he is known for both his mercy and honesty among the lesser lizardkin, having never abused, or mistreated surrendering or fleeing kobolds.
Those taken prisoner or left behind by their Saurian brothers are said to be well treated, with most being allowed to either return to their homes or given escort the disputed lands, where they can live free. Some, not all, switch allegiances seeking better treatment under Dalish masters. Though few are trusted in combat roles within the Border Legion for fear of confusion in battles; most serve their former enemies in auxiliary roles or attendants to families or houses; no matter how small.
Because of the way the House Valenrow, the lords of the Dales has treated their people over the years, the kobolds hold them in high regards and Adolyn in particular is popular among their culture as both a frightening foe and charismatic folk hero, despite the Lindwyrm Society propaganda seeking to vilify him and all furkins to the masses. The kobolds may not be brave enough to speak against such misinformation, but neither do they believe it.