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As per requests from you our Patrons, we have done a interview with Buffy.

Granted Siren has worked and known Buffy for 14 years, but you haven't so its your time to get to know Buffy.

How did she get into the tickling scene? How dose she feel about being tickled?

Well all those questions will be answered for you plus a little extra for you.

Just a reminder we have Chantelle very soon and Siren is VERY VERY nervous.

So stay tuned and tell your friends where to find us.

Have a fantastic week

Love Siren and Red xx



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Gazzy B

Great addition with the interviews and getting to know the models that visit ticklehq more


Absolutely Love the Outfit you’re wearing!!


We do plan to start making this a permanent set in our shoots from now on..thank you so much xx