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Fenneko has been going to Haida's apartment more and more lately. Tsunoda deduces why.



TehNecro Lord

So what's with the hour long wait for a "transfer quota" b4 downloading or viewing the file?


Cutest Animation you've made so far. Absolutely loved it!


i do not know! other people have seen it already, so it might be from your end? but i dont know what a transfer quota is, im sorry!

TehNecro Lord

That's what confuses me bc I haven't used Mega in a long while so I'll just wait it out


Went from 0 to 100 REAL fast

Ember Wisks

Fantastic animation Canary! Really worth the wait


Dude like it could be its own episode at this point kick ass job 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

Drake Darkwolf

Definitely had to pause a few times to read the text exchanges. 10/10


Honestly with every animation coming out gets me more hyped for the Fluttershy one cuz your animation is just so smooth 🔥🔥🔥🔥 dude keep it up also don't forget to take care of yourself and drink water


Absolutely worth the wait and the best one yet!! Really hoping to see where this goes with Haida and Fenn~!


The plot has definitely thickened here 👀 Also I was wrong with my last comment, Tsunoda definitely walked with way more yen than I thought. Anyway, I loved every second of this. Energy between Haida and Fenneko just feels right.

Lord Headcheez

The animation itself is god tier, and I love that your Aggresuko videos are becoming their own running story just like your MLP ones! For me, though, the best part is the audio. Most porn animators just throw slapping and obnoxiously loud woman moaning and call it a day. You have both making realistic moaning and vocalizing, the bed creaking, the sheets rustling, the whole works! It's fantastic, and all together, it's a masterpiece well worth the wait! Keep up the amazing work!


this is a goddamn masterpiece


Wonderful work…. I love you


Absolutely amazing work!


worth the wait

Katherine Drevis

This is incredibly cute, honestly!💜

antonio kontos

ok tbh these are worth whatever wait there is to see them it has the shows charm and quality you should make more story driven ones that fall in a line that when combine make a episode


Absolutely loved every second of this animation!!!


you have outdone yourself with the quality once again! and that beginning with tsunoda is amazing! cant wait to see what other animations you come up with


Absolutely amazing work!


Wow...that is above and beyond what I was expecting; well done! Fenneko is one of my favorites. I would like to see more breasts during sex though in future anims. Was hoping to see Fenneko's in this one (during sex). Would also like more story driven ones as others have mentioned.




both Fenneko AND Tsunoda on the same vid? what a champ I definetely want to see where this is going


Watching this video reminds me what they took from us


Extraordinary ! This felt like an actual episode

Lord Nobleheart

An animation so good, it needs an encore. We need a sequel for 2024, please!


I like how you didn't make Haida wimp out when Fenneko caught him watching porn, "Oh! No! That wasn't what I was watching!" while having his nose shoot out blood...nor did you cast him as OOC by making him a complete DICK by responding with false bravado...so the scene progressed to a HOT transition all on its own...with ALL the players in character! ...and one can ALWAYS count on Tsunoda being a COMPLETE slut! (sigh) ...she's SO hot...

