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REVIEW: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OhUzGRwnj-2jY_ibPqs0UbFA3N1dKlL9/view?usp=sharing




emily ღ

i love this movie so much! the book is the first and only book to genuinely scare me and keep me up at night! the movie did such a good job!

Rebecca Karsner (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 16:18:53 "He didn't even know how to take his gun off" Put it on a t shirt!! Lmao 🤣 So glad you loved this film. I feel like this one is very underrated. The music was amazing and really set the tone greatly for the movie. 🙌
2024-03-28 21:10:48 "He didn't even know how to take his gun out" Put it on a t shirt!! Lmao 🤣 So glad you loved this film. I feel like this one is very underrated. The music was amazing and really set the tone greatly for the movie. 🙌

"He didn't even know how to take his gun out" Put it on a t shirt!! Lmao 🤣 So glad you loved this film. I feel like this one is very underrated. The music was amazing and really set the tone greatly for the movie. 🙌


I am so confused. Didn't you say that you've seen every Scorsese movie!? I never even considered suggesting this. 🤣🤣


I'm shocked that you managed not to get spoiled for all these years. This is quite the famous twist. I must say that I was able to figure it out myself when I watched the trailer back in 2010. Even though I don't think the trailer is too revealing. Not all of it of course but some parts I was able to piece together. Ii's actually quite amusing but also sad rewatching this movie after you know all the twist and turns. It's a completely different movie the second time.