Monthly picture poll (now with new point system!) (Patreon)
Alright so I got a request to change the poll voting system from a standard monthly vote, to a cumulative point system.
What this means is that instead of voting on a character, you're instead giving points to a character each month. These points carry until the character wins the poll, at which point their score will be reset to 0. You will be able to assign 1 point to each character, every month.
I'll also no longer be benching characters if they win consecutively, as it will now be an even fight between all the overwatch girls without me interferring, and everyone will eventually get their time in the spotlight.
Now Patreon doesn't allow me to set a starting amount of votes for each option, so I'll be putting each character's total amount of points next to their name, and then whatever amount of points they acquire during the month, will be then be added for next month's polls.
As always, I'm open to feedback so feel free to shoot me a message if you wanna voice your opinion!
(Also Brigitte has been added to the poll options)