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This month virtually every creator on patreon has had an unusually large amount of declines. As it turns out, Patreon has been having some issues with banks marking their charges as "fraud", causing them to be declined. 

Consider checking if your pledge was unintentionally declined this month, and perhaps let your bank know that these are not fraudulent charges.

You can also update your payment information https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913769-How-do-I-update-my-payment-information-

Thanks, and have a nice day!


Patreon on Twitter

Hi everyone, as you know we're noticing an unexpectedly high number of payment declines. We're sorry for the frustration this has caused and we're doing all we can to help creators get paid by working with our payment partners and continuing to retry payments. More info below.



Lost one myself, It sucks. Hopefully they have it fixed soon!


your animates are the best I have ever seen! Pledged $10 per month for you! Nice Job!


Keep up the good work :)