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Hey all! Some exciting news. An associate of mine and I have been hard at work for quite some time building a text adventure story for H&LML! It's a choose your own path game, of which there are 7 different paths!

In celebration of this, I'll be uploading all of H&LML on here over the next few days, as well as each section's cover art. (As a general reminder, most of the story is extremely old, so you'll be able to notice there's a pretty large difference between some of the chapters and my current writing style.)

This ambitious project has taken a very long time to put together. My partner, Cassie-Roll, has handled much of the coding responsibilities for the program, but unfortunately we think it might take much longer if we attempt to do the entire set of stories in Quest. One of the options that I'm considering producing is taking each route and writing the full pathway as individual sections to the complete story, and holding votes as to which path will come next. We'll discuss that more when we get there though. 

For now, please enjoy the series and all the artwork that comes!