Katawa Shorts! A new, short story project! (Patreon)
Evening all!
One the biggest spotlights that we have here tend to be on the series stories. These multi-chapter tales that are interconnected, with lots of themes and allusions that are going into them. But, there's something about short stories that folks can come to appreciate a lot more than the series.
Katawa Shorts is an attempt to really hit this mark. To keep things simple and clean for some folks who might not know who a character is going into it, and with a real focus on these short little scenes. These stories are meant to be around 2k words long, and will therefore be easier for some folks to get into. I'd love to do shorts for all of my favorites, but I figured a Katawa trial run would be the best way to start!
Today I've uploaded two stories, one with a focus on Lilly and her husband, the other on Lilly and Emi. I'll be doing more of these in the coming weeks, and of course you folks will be welcome to give any suggestions you'd like!
Please let me know your feelings on these, and if you enjoyed our first two goes!
As always, thanks for reading!