News in November! (Patreon)
Good evening, everybody!
With our recent three story artworks getting wrapped up, I wanted to take this time to give you all a public update and what we are currently working on!
Firstly, I'm about to put the finishing pages on a Filling Out the Sideline commission, a sequel for the ladies WA2000, Springfield, and the apprehended brat that is Mk23. There's a lot more than might meet the eye at this beach... of course, you'll have to try and see past the round, bloated bellies~
Soon after that, both the Monster Musume Haunted Mansion and Dessert Warfare 2 are coming along wonderfully. The Haunted tour is running to be a full one-shot, a lot longer than I'd expected but each of our stars deserve her chance to shine ;)
Filling Out the Sideline 10 was the winner of the most recent poll, and I am extremely excited to share that with you folks. With every second that passes, Volgograd grows nearer, and Griffin's party looks to have some unexpected guests.
Other upcoming commissions include Monster-girls take New York, a massive shotgun chasing the pistol of her desire, Miia and Darling having some NSFW fun, and a blueberry car ride! I'll also be reading Fate/Stay Night for another upcoming series commission, so please look forward to that!
In our big series updates, Five Buns has gotten your constant affection and I couldn't be more grateful with all the love Day 179 has gotten. The next series update will obviously be FOtF, with Power Hungry and likely Growing Soft's NSFW following that.
Patrons' Prompts:
Tonight, I will be posting November's first Patrons' Prompt, with the poll scheduled for the 16th
The Artwork Suggestions will open on the 15th, and the poll will be on the 20th
The second Literature Suggestions will open on the 20th, and the poll will be on the 25th.
I'm looking to spend the next few weeks really catching everything up and gathering more stories to share. I've been working with the folks in the Tutoring Tier as well. I can't wait to share their projects with you!
We've got multiple new projects now in the works!
Better-With-Salt and I just wrapped on Five Buns Full 4's Fifth Gear Itsuki, and now they're wrapping up the last of Growing Soft's chibi images! We've heard you as well, RBtD's Chapter Three Artwork is well and underway, and we're making her a priority! Salt is also working with me on a special Christmas present, a gift from some of our Griffin's finest and fattest ;)
UltraGuest is a storm of a man. They're doing multiple pieces for multiple projects, ranging from a few NSFW specials of some very distraught tea-drinkers to one of the most ambitious projects we've taken on yet, a ten character panel of Filling Out the Frontline 9's bombshell buffet.
RemRamWaluigi is doing two story pieces. One the Patron selected cinnabon kiss and the other, a full sheet of sketches that I won't spoil yet ;D
JayKuma is still working on the Five Buns Full: Sweet Dreams scene, but they've also expressed interest in another upcoming project! We've not started that yet, but I'll jump on in with more when that begins!
Lastly, Rtil has just done up Miku trying to fit into her old school clothes for Sweet Dreams. This month and next, I am looking to get a couple specialty pictures. Please anticipate those projects as well!
We've got a lot going on as we close out the year, and I'm honestly ecstatic with how well it's gone. I opened this page back in January, and you folks have helped me keep my drive for this entire year. I'm really excited for what's coming up.
As always, thanks for reading!