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To all of our wonderful supporters, on behalf of all the folks who help make this page possible, I'd like to extend the wish of a very Merry Christmas! 

Collaborators, beta readers, fans, each and every one of you folks, I extremely grateful to all of you. It's been a trying year, but in it we have produced hand over fist of lovely content, and our horizon is as wide as our Marshmallow Mosin ;) I've wonderful expectations for the coming year. Please look forward to more content, coming soon!

This artwork was produced by the extremely wonderful Better-With-Salt. He's done artwork for almost every series we have in production lol but we're always looking forward to the constant improvements! Check out his work, as well as his own stories, over on https://www.patreon.com/bws/posts



David Oh

I realized that one of the decorations on the tree is the commander, and the angel on the top hold a gun. This is the most GFL thing I’ve ever thing. (Another thing I realized is that UMP45 finally solved her flat-chest problem)