Upcoming plans and major health update (Patreon)
Good evening, ladies and gents.
I wanted to make a public post detailing some upcoming projects that are next in line, as well as talk about some pretty major news!
Coming up, we've got the finale to Monster House, the third segment of Dinner and a Show, and the next story on my commissions list for a juicy car ride! After that, I'll be working ahead on Growing Soft's NSFW chapter, and then moving into some birthday fun! :D In upcoming artwork, we've got the Zelda and Phoebe scene from Reflection Behind the Door, the picture of Samus filling out her bed in BoP's Rest, as well as a couple of other special arts! Please stay tuned!
In less cheerful news, I've got a pretty major update concerning some news that my Doc's Office gave me yesterday. In a routine blood test, they discovered that I had high liver ensigns, and also had developed Polycythemia. Polycethemia means I've an overproduction of red blood cells, and can have a myriad of different causes, one of which may be cancer.
The Doc's hopeful, and I'll be doing a whole bunch of appointments over the coming weeks, including an abdominal ultrasound and meeting with both a hematologist and a gastroenterologist. I won't lie, I'm anxious, but I'll be holding up strong for as much as I can, and will obviously keep all of you folks updated as things progress.
As always, thanks for reading, and thank you very much for all your well wishes.