*HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT* A Reader's Guide to Filling Out the Frontlines, Cover + Pages 1-5 (Patreon)
Well, more of a guide really. A Reader's Guide
*Wink wink, nudge nudge.*
Filling Out the Frontlines is one of my favorite series to work on, but it also has 40+ named characters, and I fully understand why it's hard for readers to get into such a series when they don't have the visuals a lot of my content is known for.
This is a problem that has bothered me for years, and I've tried multiple avenues with which to explain and give people a better idea, but the one that always kept coming up in my head was 'I wish I could just show them as character sheets.'
So, naturally, that's where I'm going with this!
Included here is the cover, the first five pages of the booklet, as well as a few teases of the upcoming character sheets! I've commissioned Better-With-Salt for colored sketches of each of these gals, and the colors for our first batch should be arriving within the next few days!
These sheets will all be in-universe, with sections for details, assignments, and a large section dedicated to each girl so she can tell her own little story! They all have a ton of personality to show, with their mannerisms almost as varied all of their chubby shapes and sizes!
This has been the biggest project I've ever done, and I've spent hours grinding my teeth trying to get photoshop to play nicely with me lol. Massive thank yous go out to Biasty, Better-With-Salt, and UltraGuest for putting up with my endless questions and comments. I'm sorry that I've seemed quiet for an extended amount of time, but I didn't want to make a ton of noise in-case this ended up being another avenue that looked to fall through. However, I'm so dang happy with how it's all coming together, and I'm really excited to have some clear and crisp formats to work with now, as well as plenty of content to keep providing for more and more stories! ^^
Added the new version of Page 05, featuring our lazy RFB chomping on a pizza half-as thick as her! This art was done by Ramen Warwok!