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A former stunt actress turned monster movie headliner, A4's journey has been plagued by the haunting of Empathy. She has been with Griffin for longer than even Commander Winters, yet due to her nature has been used and rewritten time and again in attempts to obscure her memories and to bury the connections brought by the Empathy program. 

Rose came to Griffin to forget who she was, wanting what they advertised; A new purpose in life. But the American Doll is not built for this land, nor could any have anticipated the Sangvis rebellion. Now, as her memories return, so do the personalities and characters that she had cultivated. The excited young actress, the sultry woman, the monstrous vampire, and the blood-thirsty weapon... but Empathy has connected her with another voice. 

A soft, kinder tone, that tries not to blush as she asks if A4 would like another doughnut and maybe another belly rub...


As mentioned, these Op Sheets will be listed as XX as I assemble the rest of the booklet, but once everything is set then I'll be inserting the page number in its proper placement!

The Present Artwork is done by frequent collaborator, Better-With-Salt! There is a standard and a transparent version available as well!!



This sheet has some minor teases for things that haven't yet been released in the story, but had to be done as the Booklet is in canon being written between Arc 1 and Arc 2. I hope that you all look forward to what gets our gal put under house arrest, as that story shall come very soon!! :D



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