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Full Watch Along Reaction to Dragon Ball Super episode 80



I really like Gohan’s vibe. Many Dragon Ball characters have massive egoes or quirks, but to me Gohan and Piccolo have a great balance of smarts, strength and personality


Universe 1, Universe 12, Universe 5 and Universe 8 because they have a high average mortal level they weren't even in consideration to be destroyed by Zeno in the first place which is why they are exempted from the tournament whereas because the remaining universes all have a low average mortal level, Zeno was going to erase those Universes until Goku reminded Zeno about the tournament so now the tournament is basically a lifeline and another chance for those low level Universes to save themselves from impending erasure if they win the tournament. I would say for Universe 7 and 9 the Supreme Kais and Destroyers are largely at fault for the average moral level being low for their Universes


I love this episode so much showing Gohan's prowess. It was also super nostalgic because Gohan being able to quickly sense being blinded came from his training with Goku in the hyperbolic time chamber when preparing for Cell. Goku trained him on calmness and how to sense with more than his eyes. There's actually an epic scene when Gohan's eyes are closed trying to sense where Goku's next attack is. That's why Goku smiled so much & had confidence in Gohan the entire fight. So nostalgic! lol