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Full Watch Along Reaction to Dragon Ball Super Episode 89


Jason Rogue

I remember this being a very controversial episode. Super claims Yuirin is an OG Dragon Ball character, but she's not. She's a new character all together. A complete missed opportunity to bring back a deep cut character named Launch. Akira Toriyama himself has claimed that he too has completely forgot about Launch, as has like 80% of the Dragon Ball community. I won't explain who Launch is, but damn it she deserved to be brought back since she was obsessed with Tien and actually lived with him for a time being.


I remember people speculating that Yurin was going to be Launch instead, since this episode’s previews only referred to her as a mysterious beauty that wanted Tien’s attention. Would’ve been nice to see her back, even for just a little short story.


Caulifla is voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell, who you two would know as Winter Schnee’s VA.


I did not remember Roshi’s antics getting this much screentime during the episode, my god. Also forgot that they did Tien hella dirty here too.


17:34 Tien’s Four Witches is a technique that Tien exclusively used against Goku back in Dragon Ball. One of the techniques in Dragon Ball that could stand to be used more often.


Tien opening up his own dojo is an idea that may have been taken from Dragon Ball Online, an old Dragon Ball MMORPG that came out about 7 years prior.


Yeah Roshis pervyness in this episode was pretty despicable which is why this episode does not have rewatch value for me personally. I cannot wait for you two to watch the next episode though, definitely my favourite in the lead up to the tournament!

Jeffrey F

Did Goku did a Gary Coleman line at the beginning when talking to Oolong? 😂 😂


Another reason that I'm looking forward to you guys watching Dragon Ball is to see the more profound side of Roshi's character. He definitely had his bad moments, but he also had moments that gave readers/viewers a genuinely good way to live by (I'm dead serious). I won't say what it is, but it's certainly better than what this episode gave us. I will say that you'll get a glimpse of it later in this arc.


I don't really dislike GT as a lot of people do, it has its ups and downs. But i would say you should watch OG Dragon Ball first, its a total different experience from watching Z and Super and its just overall a master piece of a show.

Austin Collier

Just a couple episodes till we get to the real craziness lol im excited


Imma be honest, I remember the bigger controversy for this episode being Roshi's new level of power

Jason Rogue

I just remember me and a lot of others were very disappointed that this beauty wasn't Launch. Super is big on giving old characters the limelight, not giving Launch a surprised return was a major missed opportunity.

Jason Rogue

GT has it's moments, and even though I suggested to just yet GT out of the way, maybe OG DB should be first. Despite it being nearly double of GT.


Funny you guys mentioned Roshi and his perverted side. You guys will see what I mean in future episodes (unless you guys already watch the episode). Also if you think this is perverted, oh boy that’s just the tip of fan service in anime. There are entire anime for just pure fan service. DB is pretty tame in comparison.


26:34 I get that Super isn't as graphic as its predecessors, but I wouldn't say that it should be seen as meant for little innocent children just bc it's animated. At this point we've seen Vegeta getting visibly stabbed through the chest, people dying by getting cut in half, and seeing all of Earth's population get killed off twice. Maybe it's just me, but it feels silly to say that showing a girl's skirt start to get blown up is what begins to cross the line.

Jehanzeb Ahmed khan

Honestly if this version of master roshi worries you. You guys haven't seen the og lmao. But he is a gag character,behind that perverted old man is an actual master who once was the best in the world.And they hide it pretty well.

Jehanzeb Ahmed khan

I honestly after trying to go through gt again wouldn't recommend it to anyone other than a certain scene. It's actually pretty slow, boring and not well written

emma kotone

Since GT is the very end of Dragon Ball, you should leave it for last. The show ain't that good (specially in english dub), but the ending is 10/10, if you've been following Dragon Ball from the start. It's a poignant send-off.

fernando garcia

I can see your concern with roshi , but to be fair he is toned down to what he used to be. and its ok to cringe at roshi everyone even in the db universe knows its bad

Cilla W

Remember that this is a Japanese show dubbed into English. How we view things as Americans, significantly when you start mentioning the "Me Too" movement, does not always affect other countries. Besides, the pervy old man seems to be a traditional gag among Japanese media. When consuming media that originates outside the USA, we have to consider cultural differences in specific concepts. You don't have to like it, but there's no point in preaching to another culture. Maybe one day this would become more frowned upon in Japan, but until then they really enjoy inserting this trope into a lot of their media. Also, not a children's show. Japan's anime is geared to the general population. Yes, you will have shows geared to children but many shows are for the average viewer of any age and some are restricted to adults. They do not view animated shows the way that Americans do (strictly for children).


Agreed, doesn't really make sense to introduce a random character that is supposedly from Tiens past off screen when they could have brought back Launch who was an actual on screen character from OG Dragon Ball.


24:13 I know that Chiaotzu looks/sounds like an innocent little kid, but I'd like to remind you that at this point he's somewhere in his early 40s. Wouldn't call him innocent after what he faced in Dragon Ball and the Saiyan Saga.


The master roshi pervy gag thing is such a lame gag and it's not only Dragonball that has this lame gag, a lot of other animes seem to feel the need of having a character with pervy trait To be honest I think you might find GT kinda boring because the show had a hard time finding what type of show it wanted to be as toriyama wasn't involved in it's writing also the GT anime started airing on tv straight after the DBZ anime ended which gave even less time to the writers of GT to come with stuff plus Vegeta is hardly in the show

N Obiny

Personally I'm looking forward to them seeing how capable and competent of a fighter Tien actually is; super absolutely butchers him and turns him into a clown.


Super doesn’t turn him into a clown, just fodder. What you’re describing is more fitting of Yamcha. Either way I don’t hold it against Super for that. In a long running show like this, it’s impossible to honor every single character. Z immediately rendered every single person in OG DB apart from a few into fodder. Heck, Supreme Kai showing up claiming he can solo Frieza while clearly showing less feats was very disrespectful to Frieza. Popo, King Kai, and pretty much all deities got surpassed and left massively behind as the show went on. You can’t honor every single character. Someone always has to pay; the 3 humans other than Roshi paid for it. I’m only fine with it because that spotlight went into others like A17 who I massively prefer anyway.


OG DB may look like a kids show, but it really isn’t (kinda). The sexual jokes there are a lot more direct and clever (for lack of a better word?). Super/Z are a lot more thematically mature, but OG definitely had far more mature humor than both. As for GT, it was initially the non-canon sequel to Z before Super came. You’re better off watching OG DB before it, but the order honestly doesn’t matter as much. The two shows have completely different vibes apart from one very surface level similarity. GT also barely references OG DB, so there’s no prerequisite knowledge. GT’s ending, though, is a great send-off if you’ve watched the whole franchise so that’s where I agree with others.


Yes he did! I couldn't think of his name at the time so I didn't say anything, but Carey Coleman and What you talking about Willis is what I was thinking 😂


This episode received a lot of criticism when it aired due the aggressive perverse nature of it. I see some people here defending it, but the reality is that it's disgusting and shouldn't be a thing. Thankfully, there were many people who felt the same way at the time and still do


This episode was very controversial for a number of reasons

J Sal

Yeah I kinda agree with y'all, Roshi was a bit too much, even in general too. As much as I love anime, they get a little too out of hand with sexually suggestive moments like this. Here and there it's funny, but they gotta relax a little, despite it being a "cultural gag"

k c

I do like the viewing out of order style, but I’m not sure if I prefer you start with OG or GT… I feel like I’m leaning more towards OG… It may be interesting having that huge jump from the beginning to the end. And GT’s timeline starts after Super.

emma kotone

If you think "Welcome to the Grand Tour " is better than Dan Dan, then I rest my case. One of the only redeeming aspect of GT is its music, which is missing on the english dub.


Most of GT is just pain and filler they should save time by watching the good moments instead of watching all of GT. Cause you got me fucked up if you think I'm watching the first 30 episodes of filler GT has in store. Even the important parts of GT can be dumb like the Super 17 arc.


none of what he said was spoilers it's basic information about the series. Why do you fools throw around the word "spoiler" so loosely. Gt isn't even cannon nor is it a good sequel or continuation of the main story. Even if someone "spoiled" GT it doesn't really matter.


bruh the sub is even worse. Also the language doesn't improve garbage writing and character assassination. Something GT is guilty of regardless of the language you watch it in.


Not trying to be "that guy" but I don't get why people are already telling you what to watch next as it will be months before you finish Super presuming you don't take any breaks. Even if you guys star OG DB immediately after finishing super it would be a year an a half based on your upload schedule to finish it. Thats not even including GT which would take another 5 months to finish. Oh yeah can't forget the other Super Movies either which have about an hour and a half run time each. My simple point here being you guys are getting ahead of yourself, Especially if you intend to watch the series in the manner that you currently are. I just think it's fucking insane that I'm gonna be legally allowed to drink by the time you guys finish the damn series. Maybe you would finish it faster if you spent less time on Genshin Impact and Fortnite videos lol.


Ah yes, the excessively creepy Roshi episode. I'll be skipping this reaction.


The last minute or so of the reaction video brought up the question so it’s just a matter of clarifying the doubts. Yes it’s a long time till the end of Super, but it doesn’t do any harm to have an idea, ahead of time, about how the shows are related


it's a stretch but rushing being pervy is a story beat for the tournament. could of done it better but it's for his character growth