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Full Watch Along Reaction to Fallout Season 1 Episode 5


Knight Spearhead

The destruction of shady sands was introduced with this show, in new vegas The NCR is shown on sort of a decline after President Tandi dies after like something like 60 years in office. We dont know what the deatruction of the Capital had on the NCR but we know it was likely big since the Brotherhood has a big presence again in the west Most facilities are destroyed from the bombs but you can still find some supplies in them

Knight Spearhead

Every Vault is different and each game or show in this case introduces new vaults to the series. The vaults in the show are all completely new to us even though the 2 original games were set in the NCR

Knight Spearhead

From what we know shady sands was destroyed just after the events of Falliut New vegas and thats like 15 years before this