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So weird thing happened here and in middle of reaction our mic cut out, you can still hear us but it is echoey. Then it cut back in right at end of episode before our talk back which was fortunate because the sound is clean for our discussion. 🤗




Hi guys, hope ya’ll are doing well. Managed to sleep through the worst parts of Milton, though I've been w/o power all day. Using my phone's data rn to come through. But enough about that, Happy Daima Eve everyone! Hope the first episode shows promise tomorrow (if my power returns lol)! Edit: My power's back let's gooooo! I'll leave my first impressions on Daima here tomorrow.


A shame Universe 9 lost so quickly. I rather liked some of their designs, so I wanted to them do more. But hey, someone had to get erased first. The silver lining is I get to cover all their names at once (which have the pun family of plants): o Creature from the Black Lagoon: Comfrey (Named after a particular genus of flowering plants) o Metal Dragon: Chappil (Comes from either chervil or chepil, both being plantys used as herbs in dishes o Cat Lady: Hop (named after the flowers of the Humulus lupulus plant) o Off-brand Spider-Man: Oregano (speaks for itself) o Purple Groot looking mf: Hyssop (Hyssopus plant) o Rabbit Girl: Sorrel (like garden sorrel, a salad vegetable associated with rabbits) o Frieza’s gargoyle-like plaything: Roselle (named after a species of Hibiscus) o * I covered the Trio’s names previously. They’re obvious anyway. Fighters Remaining: 68/80. So close to the funny number.


While U9 was also the first to be eliminated in the manga, Frost was the one the one that knocked most of their fighters out. Bergamo made a last stand against an off-screen fight with Piccolo, and tried to guilt trip him by asking if he wanted to be responsible for the erasure of a whole universe. Piccolo hesitated after hearing this, which led to Frieza blasting Bergamo off and finishing the job.

Serpent King

do....do you know all of that without looking it up? I literally only know a handful of Universe 11, Universe 7 (of course), Universe 6, and....well Ribrianne is pretty much burned into my brain forever.


There's a few names I had to look up, but I have a fairly good memory of the names for these more minor characters. I was a teen with DB as his personality when DBS was coming out with new episodes, so I liked to follow (and obsess over) just about any new info that was coming out at the time. The puns associated with most of the names I definitely had to look up tho. I just do it bc I like learning obscure info about DB.

Austin Collier

I knew you both would love Freeza in this arc 😂


25:15 That shot of 18 was meant to indicate that she was the one who eliminated Sorrel (rabbit girl) off screen.


24:33 Flashback to when Bethany said she wanted Lavendar dead


Likewise! Glad I could make it.


27:33 Mr. Satan's not in this tournament Ken


22:35 Nope, you kinda remembered that wrong😅but yes something was mentioned a few episodes ago. It was mentioned that if the Kaioshin dies, the Destoyer God would die too. The Angels are higher-ranking beings than the Destroyer Gods here, so they don't share this fate with them and are safe. Great reaction despite the audio issues!👍


Oh I forgot but if I remember correctly, In this conversation back then, Goku also said something like, so I just have to "take care" of our Kaioshin to f* up Beerus but he wouldn't take this easy route or something along those lines.

Jason Rogue

I'm glad they spent quite some time to show the aftermath and implications of a universe's team losing in the tournament. Goes to show that no universe is safe. I too was shocked, because the stakes are high and as Thanos said, no resurrections now. A nice callback to Vegito's Final Kamehameha. I forgot how much laughing was in this episode. You think Ro's commentary is annoying, get ready for every Kai and Destroyers commentary. You have to realize these Kais and Destroyers' lives are in the line, they have to cheer and hype up their team. You'll also have to endure a lot of screen time for a certain warrior and their team.


I think Ken is referring to episode 63 after Gowasu and U7 Kai showed up in battle against Zamasu's. When Goku asked what happened to Whis (and his kind) the U7 Kai responded: "when a god falls the angel attendant serving him automatically goes out of commission until the next gods appears for him to serve". I guess its means that they are unemployed for the time being, lol.

Hayden Morris

What's crazy is the other universes barely lost anyone. 9 actually had a bunch of decent fighters, and they could've lasted so much longer if they had a decent strategy too instead of ganging up on the goku and vegeta


Good point🤔or Ken perhaps mixed up these two different conversations but he specifically said: (I swear I heard the Angel ceased to exist if the Destroyer ceased to exist until the Angel assigned a new Destroyer) and in my opinion cease to exist is pretty different from being unemployed😄but yeah mixing up these two conversations seems possible, let's not forget they watch (react) to the DB Series for the first time and also watch (react) to many other stuff so some specific details might get mixed up or forgotten over time.

Jeffrey F

Damn when they played that horror theme at the end too while universe 9 being erased,made it even more scary

fernando garcia

You're gonna love Freezer through out the Tournement of Power

iCrowned L

I believe the Angels were stated to "go out of commission" until a new destroyer were to rise to the position, so I think they would return to something along the lines of an angel realm or home until it's time for them to be recruited for the job. I think this was mentioned at one point around the Goku Black arc.

Leo Messi

Hi, sorry but how are u guys watching the reaction? It’s just voice recording on my side


Supreme Kai's are tied to their destroyers. Angels as far as I know just lose their jobs. Android 18 was shown because its implied that she eliminated the bunny (like saying good riddance or something)


This episode had many funny gags, but the rabbit scene is the one that made laugh out loud when I first saw it. The first and only talking scene this character gets is her going “Me too, I’ve been eliminated too! 😉” like a charismatic looney tunes character only to be erased from existence a minute later


Whilst Frieza can’t kill (which he probably hates) he can torture tf out of the participants of this tournament lol

Vinayak Murthy

Angel don't cease to exist when the Destroyer Dies. Angels "Go out of commission" Until the next God appears for them to serve


Do you guys plan on doing the 2 movies after dragon ball super?


Just finished ep 1 of DB Daima. My first impressions (no spoliers): - Animation: Holy shit dude. I had high hopes bc the trailers looked good and the fact that this episode was premiering in theaters in Japan gave me confidence, but man 😮. Wouldn't say it's movie-grade animation, but the production value is already so much better than Super's! Gonna be getting whiplash between these reactions and the new episodes haha! - Music: Not half bad. Seems to be going for a more epic orchestral feeling akin. The composer has been revealed to be Kousuke Yamashita, who's known for his work on Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. It's his first time composing for Dragon Ball. The OST gives me Dragon Quest vibes when combined with Toriyama's character designs (which I'm all for bc I love Dragon Quest too). Hasn't reached the the peak of DB music for me, but I'll be giving it time. - Story: So yeah, this is not meant to be a continuation of the DB story at large, which bothers some people (me included to an extent). It takes place one year after the Buu Saga (aka before Super/Battle of Gods). While people are drawing some parallels to GT, I'll say that this opening is better than what GT had going on despite the one big parallel of making the cast children again (still don't how I feel about that) . There's also one glaring contradiction with Super's explanation of how Kibito Kai defused, though it could be resolved before Daima ends. I feel like it'll be enjoyable as long as you don't take it too seriously. I'm someone who believes Toriyama's at his best when he's just having fun instead of trying to write some big serious narrative, so I can vibe with this show's direction. - Villains: I like em. Toriyama's penchant for making his main antagonists little fellas will never get old for me 😆. - Worldbuilding: This might be another big pro for Daima. This episode alone has already dropped some interesting tidbits concerning DB's cosmology and lore. Some answers that have been unanswered for years might finally be given closure. Conclusion: I'm optimistic. I get the feeling that Daima definitely won't be the "new best DB series", but I wasn't expecting it to be. I think it'll be an enjoyable show if you go in just for the vibes, characters, and action. Unless the rumor of there being a new DBS movie with Toriyama's involvement is true, I'm hopeful that Daima will be able to serve as a worthy swansong of the man's legacy. As of this comment, there doesn't seem to be any story beats that are strongly tied with OGDB, so you guys could be clear to watch Daima first w/o many issues (though I would still watch OG first cuz it's the proper beginning). Anyway, I'll shut up now 😅. I'm just excited I finally get to experience the start of a DB series no holds barred. I was too young to witness the start of DB, DBZ, and GT, and Super didn't come to streaming until over a year after it started. I'M READY 😁!

k c

*@Leo Messi* Exit full screen, then go back to video

k c

Also, I like how they were all taken out in one episode (like +1 minute) and all by U7 lol.

k c

She is fine… It’s a great change of pace and entertaining, as well. And she’s fun to play in Sparking Zero, so far.

k c

It’s the Supreme Kais and Destroyers that are tied together. That’s why Beerus sealed Elder Kai in the Z Sword instead of killing him. And if Goku or Buu actually killed Supreme Kai, then Beerus would have been dead, as well lol. I wonder if Whis would’ve stepped in or something.

Jason Rogue

I like her as well, I'm just saying it's like 5 minutes of her entrance and the same animation reused. But I do like her character overall, especially her team. Well, except the Yatchaina, that got a bit annoying after the first 3 minutes.

J Sal

Frieza's so entertaining for me as well, like I laugh my ass off every time he refers to Goku or Vegeta as monkeys instead of their actual names. As crude as that sounds its just funny as hell when Frieza says it to them

J Sal

I'm going to wait for the dub for Daima to come out which won't be until Nov 10, for one I'm a die-hard dubber and two I'm looking forward to Stephanie Nadolny returning to voice Goku instead of Colleen, that alone won me over to watch this show. That being said your review's got me intrigued and curious about the show, even though I'll have to wait for a bit and avoid spoilers here and there


That's fair. I'm just as excited to see Nadolny making her comeback, so I'll be watching the dub too when I get the chance. Also don't worry about spoilers from me. If I end up talking about things that weren't in the trailers, I'll make it clear as day with a spoiler alert 😁.


can yall in the comments remind them to watch epi 109-110 together and that its 2 parts


We got it covered. They said to bring it up around ep 106, if I'm not correct.


Same for me, I grew up watching Nadolny and was angry when they replaced her. Glad to see she’s come back but I do wonder what happened behind the scenes that she was fired in the first place.

Moms spaghetti

If the supreme kai dies the god of destruction dies, if the god of destruction dies the Angle is out of commission until he has a new god to watch over if I remember correctly


I think that line "out of commission" I just misinterpreted as being dead or being gone completely until a new god is assigned to them 🤗

Rich Cassou

I remember when I watched this the first time and saw universe 9 erased I was shocked. It really changed the fun playful tone up until that point and reminded us the stakes. Also the Xenos are terrifying it’s exactly what Beerus warned Goku about when talking to them. They appear childlike but one wrong move and you are history.