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Part 8 of our playthrough for DBZ Kakarot. Finishing the Namek Saga. Goku turning Super Saiyan for the first time will always be amazing 🤩



Angel M

I really wish the game kept in the scene of Goku burying Vegeta and thanking him for buying Gohan and the others some time so he can arrive, honestly one of my favorite scenes in all of Z


As funny as TFS is, I am glad you guys get to experience the real goku. DBS and TFS never understood his character well at all and portray him as more goofy and dumb then he was even as a child. Toriyama made the most well known anime character of all time and if he was ever as simple as some sources portray him he wouldn't be as loved as he is over 3 decades past his creation


44:18 Chris was such a legendary VA the way he delivered that was gold, rest in peace.


I didn't know that, this goes to show that Funimation was already phasing him out before his death in 2021. Truly a talented man, Daman does him justice though.

J Sal

"YOU AIN'T GETTING SHIT!!" Highlight of this video lol! And I know you guys haven't seen Dragon Ball yet, but when you do, you'll see how Krillin's death made Goku snap the way he did. The bonds they built throughout childhood and seeing that all disappear at the hands of an evil alien...yeah that'll make anyone lose it. Great reactions as always, and YES I'm excited to see you guys react to the Android Saga next!!


Vegeta dying asking Goku that Frieza should die by the hand of a sayian. Oh boy he had his wish when his son Trunks ended him! Proud moment.


Sooooo glad we are past the days of “Frieza made me what I am.” There’s missing the point of a character and then there was that.


I think I mentioned it in passing once, but I'll elaborate on it here now that it's more relevant: Akira Toriyama had said in an old interview in the Dragon Ball Super Exciting Guide that he had conceived the idea of Super Saiyan as a means for him and his assistant to save time inking. Blonde hair in manga is shown as white due to it traditionally being monochromatic. So all they would have to do is outline Goku's hair in a slightly different style and they were done! One of the most iconic and impactful things in ALL of fiction was made to be a time saver first and foremost. Truly marvelous. Here's an excerpt from the interview if you want to hear it in Toriyama's words: "To be honest, the way I decided upon the Super Saiyan design was for such a... simple reason that it’d make you go "eh?". I only use one assistant, who has always helped me. My assistant always had to spend a lot of time blacking in Goku's hair, so the biggest reason was to save time, since if Goku became a Super Saiyan, his hair wouldn't have to be blacked in. What's more, this also had the effect that one could tell with a glance that Goku had gotten stronger, so it was killing two birds with one stone. At the time, it was made out that he was fifty times as strong when he became Super Saiyan, but that's a little extravagant. As far as my feelings as an author go, I think I drew it with the sense of it being a change of about ten times what he had been up until then." * Side Note: The same interview also mentioned that Toriyama intended Super Saiyan to be a 10x multiplier, but ended up switching it to 50x after readers had started widely accepting that's what it was upon seeing it. That's what that last sentence is about.


Always appreciate refreshers like this 🙂 We get a lot of info (which we appreciate and love) . But it's like a crash course sometimes which means we for sure don't retain it all 😅


Oh, for sure. Completely understand! It's not bother to me.

J Sal

Oh yes OG DB is gonna be one hell of a ride, I’m so looking forward to those reactions 😄

Dank 280

There was also the fear of krillin being permanently dead due to the dragon balls being at stake. People usually write off krillin because he's not as powerful as goku, but he's come such a long way since the original dragon ball. Knowing that made his death very shocking. It's why the deaths during dragon ball and early dragon ball z had a really profound impact, despite the existence of its deus ex machina device. There were real stakes sorrounding the dragon balls and they were center stage in the plot, which for me was when the story was at its best!