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Full Watch Along Reaction to The Legend of Korra Season 2 Episode 11




"Spared no expense." Smooth, with the Jurassic Park reference. Nuktuk, truly an epic ahead of its time. I honestly don't know what I love more about this scene; Bolin's fight lining up with the Nuktuk on screen or Shiro Shinobi's commentary for no reason. Aaaaaaaaand here's where I feel like the extremely limited writing time hurt the most; Mako's character. I know the reason why they did it in the long run (it'll become apparent in time), but I do think it could've been handled better had they been given more time to iron it out. "He got wrapped up in Asami, as I think anybody would, because she's a knockout." Bethany seems ready to fight for Asami, herself. I do love that, with all the politics presented in this show thus far, I feel like at least a third of the conversation between you two with this series has been relationship advice. No sarcasm, legitimately love it, because I'm right there with you guys.

Lady RedShee

Varrick is definitely chaotic neutral, emphasis on chaotic lol. As for Mako, I do understand why he didn't tell Korra the truth. At first it was because they were in front of a crowd and that was DEFINITELY not the time to tell her, and then on the battleship Korra was worried about her dad and fighting Unalaq. Yes the really need to have that conversation, but the last thing Korra needs right now is to being thinking about a breakup. This round of Mako and Asami was definitely rebound, they were both not in a good place. Mako had only been broken up with Korra for a week and Asami was dealing with company struggles, neither of them should have entered into a relationship with ANYONE. Bolin is a teddy bear and I love him lol. He's the youngest of the group and he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve the most. He deserves someone that can match his kindness and make him feel special like how he tries to make others feel.


If we can fit in a Jurassic Park reference you better believe we will. That and Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones. Glad you dig the relationship conversations 🤗


Anyone who is hard on Asami for this one please remeber: She was just betrayed by her father earlier in the year (The Equalist attack was 6 months before book 2 started) and Mako has a track record of lying to her (the kiss and then trying to cover it up) I do not blame her one bit for thinking a man in her life that she loves could have ties to a crime network behind her back since it happend once already in the past 12 months....


That's a good point. Honestly we love Asami ever since we discovered she was actually good and not a villain. She's been very impressive with how she's handled a bunch of tough stuff thrown her way. Really, she's kind of been crapped on ever since the Korra and Mako kiss (her dad, Mako choosing Korra, her business being sabotaged, Mako choosing Korra...again) but has never gotten as upset about it all as most would. 🤗