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Early ad-free access for our reaction to Episodes 7 through 11 of RWBY Chibi




I won't pretend Chibi is 100% bangers, but I think from here onwards they start getting way more hits than misses (and tbf I enjoyed these skits too, but they get a better rhythm going forwards) the self referential/mocking humour mixed with the writers being really good at comedy anyway (in typical Rooster Teeth fashion) makes this show way better than it had any right to be


I can take or leave Chibi in general, but I agree with pretty much everything being said (Nora and Pyrrha being highlights, loving the unrequited love triangle + Jaune imitating the RWBY team, etc.) I wasn't expecting to laugh as hard at a few of these things as I did. Basically, the writers and VAs know the characters so well, they can boil them down to their comic essence... It's kind of a fun side thing. I still don't know why Ren didn't keep his pancakes on the counter NEXT to the stove where he had the syrup, roflmao

Rinnzu Rosendale

Do yall have any plans on doing camp camp eventually? Its the RWBY voice cast but its quite a different tone. More of an adult humor show.


I always appreciated the joke about Pyrrha handling VHS tapes but at this point I wonder what percentage of new viewers would get it. It was already a little bit of a stretch when this aired almost 10 years ago.


Of course Pyrrha has later. It's not like anything bad will happen to her. EVER.


Adult humor would be up our alley. Once we are done with the RWBY content we will have a poll. Will probably be between Camp Camp and Red vs Blue


Yeah that was a fun joke that definitely will be over most people's heads. Even if you had a VHS I'm not sure everyone would've gotten it 🤗