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It’s Kefin time once again! Drop your queries, questions and comments for our Captain in the comments below and he’ll get answerin’ them later this month!


neil gannon

If the 3 of you were Alan, Stu and Phil in the Hangover, which one of you would play each role and why?


If the wrestling world was to have a Freaky Friday-esque body swap comedy: which 2 wrestlers swapping would make for the best story, and what lessons would they learn to return to their own bodies?

Marc Vukotich

Hi Kefin, newer $10 supporter but long time Patron so apologies if I missed this question before. Any plans to do Wrestlemania 24 and 25 as bonus episodes to bridge the gap in Season 5? If you already answered that, which wrestler’s submission move do you think would be the ultimate stretch that feels good?

Apollo Picaro

Given that we have had a history of good (They Live) and bad (See No Evil) horror movies starring wrestlers. What would be the best and worst horror movies for a wrestler to star in?

Knight Dehumidifier

It's alternate history time, it is June 2001, the WCW was saved by Eric Bischoff and Fusient Media, the Big Bang PPV happened, and now you're the head booker. Who would you push as the the face of new WCW?

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

Ahoy-howdy, Captain Cowboy! With Swerve and Hangman telling, for my money and 25 year fandom, one of the best long-term stories in pro-wrestling history, it's made me rethink a lot of what makes a truly great pro-wrestling story. Maybe I'm just bitter that WWE never put quite as much into the canon of Undertaker's many returns and re-imaginings as us fans did, but it's got me wondering: what's your favorite feud or storyline where it's all there on the screen? No logic leaps , no back-pedaling after the fact to fill in blanks, no "scorpion hidden in the clouds over the shack if you squint" or anything like that.

Pedro Hodges

Hi Kefin. All this wrestling talk aside, What would be your perfect Sunday? Only the hard hitting questions this month I'm afraid.

Ken Hanley

Given the strength of long-term storytelling in wrestling these days, I was wondering: what is your favorite (and least favorite) type of stipulation for a feud-ending blow off match? Also, off that question: was there any feud from the attitude era that ended abruptly or never got to a blow off match that you would have loved to seen reach a proper conclusion?


When are you guys gonna go ahead and host another writing contest? I've been sitting on a half done chapter of Big Apple Takedown for a year now 😜

Conrad Leiden

I've really enjoyed listening to the show over the years, and part of the fun, as an American, is decoding various pieces of Irish slang and references that you make. While the Golden Mile review covered a lot of English stuff, I had one big question for you: As an Irish person, what does "grand" mean? In the US grand means something that's really big and important, but from context I often hear you use it to mean more like "ok" or "just above mediocre," would you say that's the case? Sorry for going on but would you humor me by rating these words in terms of overall quality? Feel free to add any others that might create a spectrum for my American ears (somehow different from Irish eyes?) Fantastic Grand OK Good Excellent Thanks and keep up the amazing work!


If Gordon Ramsay needed a new wrestling name, what would it be?

Ashleigh Clements

Greetings Mr Mahon I hope you are well, after listening to the new live show will there be another in the near future as I haven’t been able to attend due to other commitments or work and keep up the great work. Also with Saturday nights main event coming back in December will yourself and Billy be looking to dive back into the mid 2000’s attempts of the show?


Hope you're doing well and enjoyed your vacation! Given that you're a fan of US Presidential and political history, my question is: There's a piece of legislation you don't want passed; what wrestler from any era do you choose to filibuster it as long as possible? (Apparently the record is 24 hours 18 minutes, where noted racist Strom Thurmond was unsuccessful in trying to block a civil rights bill, so let's try to break that record!)