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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates. About six weeks ago I hurt my back, it got so bad I ended up going to urgent care. After two x-rays, a CAT scan and 2 MRI's, they found out it was a pinched nerve. I've been in a lot of pain for a good long time. Because of the opioid crisis they are so hesitant to give any kind of strong pain medication, so I've been limping along.

On a positive note, I am getting better, very slowly. But I'll take any progress I can at this point. Soon I'll be getting a shot in the back that hopefully will help. Please be patient with me as I try to get through this. I do have some drawings I need to post, and I hope to do that very soon.

Thank you everyone,



Thos. Merchant

Take your time and get better!


Thank you, I hope to put all of this pain behind me. It's been a long time.


I had sciatica for awhile. 1000mg of aspirin(bayer) and 600mg ibuprofin stopped the pain just about every time.


Boy I wish that would've worked. Even the strongest painkiller they were allowed to give me only dulled the pain by a little. I've heard sciatica is no joke either. My wife had that during her pregnancy.


The guy who presribed it to me was my dentist when I had my wisdom teeth out. He said it’s chemically vicadin without any of the addictive shit.