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Fifth Patreon video for May!

God I really stuffed myself here.. 5 burgers, a liter of soda, and a whole lotta burps..

Hope y'all enjoy! I know I did~


Burger binge~

Fifth Patreon video for May! God I really stuffed myself here.. 5 burger, a liter of soda, and a whole lotta burps.. Hope y'all enjoy! I know I did~


Lacy Baby (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-26 15:48:21 Doctor: "You only have 16minutes and 20 seconds to live..." Me: *pulls up this video*
2024-05-24 22:58:52 Doctor: "You only have 16minutes and 20 seconds to live..." Me: *pulls up this video*

Doctor: "You only have 16minutes and 20 seconds to live..." Me: *pulls up this video*