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Fifth Patreon video for June!

Ugh I really overdid it here.. after 2 plates of dinner I downed a liter of soda.. and when I got home I ate another plate!

God I'm such a fatass..


Bloated and burpy~

Fifth Patreon video for June! Ugh I really overdid it here.. after 2 plates of dinner I downed a liter of soda.. and when I got home I ate another plate! God I'm such a fatass..


Lya Caez

I loooove this! U should do another over apologetic over huge burps video. Those are so fun.


Thank you! 😁 Yeah I had fun with that even tho it felt weird having manners LOL I'll definitely do another again sometime!


For some reason when you brought out that liter I had no doubt you’d chug the whole thing LOL. You pushed your limits so far and the results are ✨ amazing💕 I love when you stuff yourself so full you get that little crease on the top of your belly and it loses its jiggle. ❤️