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More and more CONFUSION! 

Thursday = Sense8 gang! 2 more Confusing Episodes but we are now getting some JUICY information about all the strange things going on.

As usual I would love to hear any fellow first timers watching this if they have any theories about the show!

Enjoy :)



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Angie H.

hell yeah! been anticipating this all morning 💞


ohhh no does this show require big brain energy?? i’m in the midst of finals week, i’m already struggling lmaooo

Kameron Y


Jeff Cabrera

I liked that we got more Capheus and Sun this episode. I felt like they were used sparingly in the first two episodes. Especially after Sun’s fight scene, I’m like “why did you have this badass benched?” 🤷🏻‍♂️ I also thought it was a nice little attention to detail that Riley mentioned she loved listening to her dad practicing piano, and they included piano playing over the closing credits 🥲 ***I would’ve recalled more plot points but I’m so far ahead now, I cannot totally recall what was in these first episodes 😅😅😅


Easy to miss but to add to your piano comment, Riley had a flashback early on in this episode where she was a kid in front of the piano whilst it was being played


I'd be up for a full Matrix Trilogy. 4th one is coming out very soon as well. I thought you had seen them before since in another reaction you mentioned Morpheus. Guessing you have probably just seen the first film. I think the quick cuts are often there to show that things are going on at the same time for the characters or drip feeding what is going on with them whilst the episode focuses more on other characters. With 8 main characters it is difficult to juggle so many stories though. This episode also added a lot of childhood flashbacks which you got for half the characters at least. I think the puzzle pieces are starting to connect in your head 😂

Jeff Cabrera

On Episode 9 currently, but will most likely finish the first season by the end of this week though 👀😅


Ah just before the final episodes of the season 👀. I personally think Season 2 is even better, though might be an unpopular opinion, I dunno lol.

Benjamin Price

One fun thing I noticed was that the one woman who works at the pharmaceutical industry was in a meeting about fake drugs, and then the bus driver found out that his mom had been taking fake AIDS medication. Interesting how many little bits of parallelism are in each episode.


I think you are thinking of lu xiaojun , you mentioned someone looked like him


I love the fight scene at the end. Not gonna lie, the mlm storyline is my favorite lol. I love the line fedora guy says about how knowing the way things are in the world the logical thing is to check out

Brad Johnson

Have to remember we are dealing with 8 different people plus the woman at the beginning and thats a lot of storylines to fit in each week. Editied this way really keeps you hanging on and wanting more

Nikki Sonrisa

hang in there Seb! things are really gonna start to click after next episode, promise haha p.s. Lito is bae ❤️

Shawn M

I never picked up on that! I’m sure you could watch these episodes quite a few times and still find new little bits like that.

Shawn M

It’s fun/frustrating watching you watch these episodes. Haha. Just when I think you’ve got it figured out you say something and I’m like no you had it right before!! Haha. I just want to guide you to the truth. But you’ll get there. :)

Gambit (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-13 21:38:13 Ur right on the money! <3 xoxo
2021-12-13 18:11:14 Ur right on the money! <3 xoxo

Ur right on the money! <3 xoxo