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Hey guys! Just thinking if is makes it easier to watch I can try and add the film quietly to the full length video with less blur if it makes it more enjoyable to you

Just as I get a lot of people preffering if I could show the whole thing (can't for copyright)

But can get as close as I can if people would prefer that and wouldnt be annoying incase you are syncing up too! Just let me know your thoughts thanks


Zachary Little

Everything in my opinion is fine but maybe a timer could help with syncing up the movie

Hollie Grice

Please please please can you react to watching "Your Name"? it's such a wild ride of a film!

Chloe Arabella

Another reaction group I watch on Patreon show the full thing with audio they just have that version uploaded to google drive and sync dot com and one other private source that requires a password just an idea but I understand if that’s a risk that they’re just unaware of?