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(Don't need copy for this)

Loved this movie and FIRE KING! Should I watch the next



i love u seb


Definitely watch the next ones

Rosielauren xo

I love that we don’t need a copy anymore! Had nightmares syncing with my WiFi and not having certain movies as my own copy !! Xx

Eric S

This was easy and nice not having to sync. As long as you don't get in trouble it's awesome. If you get a copy right strike, Id be happy to go back to the old way though.


( Ice Age ,3 ,4 & 5 ) all three gets better and better from here in my option, cus you really feel the character growth for each person in the herd, and I think the concept of Scrat reminding the audience the evaluation of the 'ice age period' is super clever/consistent and just a good time, fun to watch him on screen


The third is the best by far in my opinion, look forward to it!

Rebecca Owen

Ice Age are some of my favourites films, just good when you need a good laugh or cry. Look forward to watching the reactions of all the rest.

Captain Draco

still need the reactions to the rest of the series🙌🏽😂😂