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Hey loves ❤️

I'm back home and feeling very happy to be back. It was a very productive week and I think I got some beautiful new shots :) I'm going through the selection process and editing right now and wanted to share a few as I go along 😊

I got the first two in the shower this morning before leaving my hotel. I wasn't really in the mood to shoot as I was about to leave but I'm so glad I did because I absolutely love these shots. Once I start shooting (even if I don't feel like it at first), I always get into the flow, I start enjoying it and being in the moment. I love this about the creative process ❤️ It makes the mind chatter stop and helps you appreciate and capture the moment in the best way possible.

I will share more with you very soon 😘

Sending love ❤️




A water nymph appears… 😍🥹

Aaron Franklin

😍🔥🔥 #2 is my favorite picture Eri! Just gorgeous!

Tal Stern

You look amazing!


Love the water pics! So beautiful…😍

Renamed Meself

Is this real ? Am I hallucinating ?

Brett Murdock

Absolute perfection so beautiful so sexy so so hot 🔥🔥😍😍😘🌹🌹

Andre Buchanan

1 and 3 is how I imagine Aphrodite looks 🤞🏾😍😍