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Hello Everyone.

The final part of the Harry and Molly section - but do not fret. This is not the last you guys get to read about the Young Potter and his red headed MILF wife. Nope. I have grown to like them, but I also want to get Harry with other ladies. I hope you understand this.

I am still on vacation. Today we hiked up a mountain and all went well… until the track down. My father forgot he wasn’t 30 anymore. Don’t worry, nothing massive, but he did get a cut on his hand. We had both water and disinfectants with, so we cleaned the wound and got down the mountain. No drama.

Other than that, the weather is nice, and the food has been excellent. I don’t have a ton of free time, but thankfully there is a few hours between the meals that I have to myself. I love my family, but I also need my alone time. And writing here and there compensate for my lack of drawing.

Or at least it compensates for me.

I don’t know how you feel about not watching too many drawings coming out. Then again… it is my vacation. ❤️

I hope you are all doing well.

Yours truly



At the Burrows the Summer was coming to an end and there was an unmistakable feeling of new beginnings in the house.

Arthur had finally come home from his trip to Nottingham. The balding red headed man was sitting, naked on his bed with spread legs and Molly was giving Arthur a handjob.

He had been away for a few days, so he deserved some attention.

Moly however had undergone something of a change in his short absence... and he absolutely loved it.

Molly would usually by now have insisted and begged him to mount her and fuck her into obvlivion, but Arthur... the overworked and almost only worker in the section for misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office in the ministery of Magic had almost no energy left to do that to his wife anymore.

And Molly craved it so often that it had been a dread to get home every single day. He had sorta made a retreat in his garage where he could get his energy back after a long day of work.

But ever since that nice young Harry Potter had arrived, Molly had been like a completely changed woman.

She didn’t crave him anymore. She didn’t tell him to fuck her silly anymore. Heck... the only sex they had these days were handjobs... and THAT was amazing to him. Arthur was ready to simply be foregone with sex all together. But he knew his wife. She was a sex craving freak... to put it mildly.

She had been absolutely insatiable in their youth, and when they had their kids, she was demanding to get a girl.

The original plan had been 2, maybe 3 kids, but... Molly was dead set on getting a girl. Sure, had she gotten a girl at first, she wouldn’t have minded 2 sons. But alas, Ginny, their youngest, had decided to come last.

Arthur was now ready to be done with sex. So... the fact that Molly seemed all too eager to be done with it all for his sake as well, was a welcome change to Arthur.

A handjob was more than enough for him.

Although... he could perhaps... and it was only a ‘perhaps’ - have wanted some more... enthusiasm from his wife. She seemed... a little absent minded... almost as if she didn’t care at all.

It wasn’t all bad. Arthur already felt he liked the change in her, but still... this new version of her had her not even look at him while she wanked him off... and that was sorta strange for Arthur... it both turned him on and... well satisfied him completely so... he wasn’t really sure why he complained.

As Arthur drew to a close, he saw that Molly reached for a napkin and held it over the tip of his penis as he ejaculated into her hand.

 When he was done she just tossed the napkin into the small trash bin and she then left the bedroom.

Arthur looked after her.

“Uh, my dear... aren't you going to sleep?” Arthur seemed a little wondered.

“Oh... Oh yes, Arthur, but... I just wanted to see everything was alright. You just go to bed.”

Then she left the room and closed the door.

“Odd...” Arthur said, but he was so relieved and happy with the change in his wife, that he shook it off.

He crawled into bed, and within minutes, he was sleeping like a rock. —————————————————————————————————————

Molly walked down to the floor of Harry’s room.

She opened the door, and saw Harry wait for her on the bed. He still looked like a prince in her eyes... but in her mind, she called him what he truly was...


She closed the door behind her and crawled into bed with him.

She kissed him. Oh how she loved kissing him. It was magnificent. His tongue was such a wonderful muscle and she loved it so much.

Harry tilted Molly over and spread her legs... But as he kept kissing her, she suddenly broke off the kiss, and crawled down so he could feast on the pussy of his... wife...

He dug in, and Molly held on for dear life.

She hadn’t had her pussy eaten for ages. So it was a welcome treat.

Molly loved giving oral sex. In fact, had Arthur just let her suck his cock every now and again, they would probably still be married by now, and she might never had been drawn to Harry... ... ... Well... at least she wouldn’t be Harry’s wife now.

“Oooh Harry... I don’t know how long I can keep up the facade that... that I am no longer Arthur’s wife... but yours... Oh... oh Merlin you’re good...”

Harry played a little with her clitoris to help her move on a little.

“Imagine how I must feel... my wife is giving handjobs to her ex- and I am just to allow it.” Molly caressed his hair.

 “Oh don’t worry, my love...” Molly said carringly. “It means nothing. It’s just to keep him satisfied and in the dark... soon... soon we can come out... as husband and wife...”

“Good,” Harry said while clenching her pussy lips in his teeth. “Because I want to put my own kids in you... and I don’t want them mistaking me with Arthur as their father.”

When he said those words Molly clung to his head and pulled him up, so he could get kisses from her.

Their lips met, and they kissed for a good while.

“Do not worry, my love...” Molly said when their lips finally separated. “They will not be in doubt. And I for one... can’t wait to be impregnated by you...”

Those words were like a start gun to a runner.

Harry crawled up, and placed himself between her legs. He aligned his cock with her pussy and began to fuck her like crazy.

Harry and Molly were giving it all, as they were soon running out of time. Summer was soon going to end, and then Harry and Molly would have to cease their endless lovemaking. Molly didn’t even sleep with Arthur anymore. She slept in Harry’s bed, and they just both got up so early that no one knew the better of it. Their morning sex was almost always out in the henhouse, but that bothered neither of them.

The next day, Harry and Molly had decided to go to Diagon Alley together to buy the equipment for Harry’s next semester at Hogwarts University.

Molly had tricked Arthur to take Ginny, Percy, Ron and Fred and George to the Alley the other day so they could buy all their books, and then Molly would take Harry alone.

Arthur did ask why they had to do it in two turns, but Molly just explained it was easier to get around that way... which made no sense but... Arthur knew better than to argue with Molly.

So the next day was shopping day for Harry and Molly. But for now, they were going to go through all their favorite positions and fuck until they both collapsed in each others arms.

Which they did. Harry was using Molly’s tits like a pillow and Molly was sleeping with her head over the edge of the bed. Harry had once again filled up her pussy like a balloon and she was sleeping in a blissful fog of orgasm.

As they woke up the next morning Harry found as per usual Molly was in full swing sucking him off.

Harry had asked her to do this, as he preferred to be woken up with sex. Either a good blowjob or the sight of her swinging tits in his face.

 It was early and Harry held her head down over his cock because he was already cumming. Molly swallowed it all and soon they were on their way out to the henhouse to “Get eggs for breakfast”.

In the henhouse, Harry and Molly kissed and then Harry planted her up a barrel and spread her legs. He slipped his cock into her pussy.

“Oh Merlin’s beard Harry...” She said while looking at his cock entering her flesh. “You are huge!”

Harry too was enchanted by the way his cock entered her pussy... spitting her flesh in two... “Oh Molly... you are so tight!”

Harry and Molly looked at the place their flesh became one for a while, until they kissed each other.

Harry wanted to try something.

He wanted to hold her up like a peach. Now... Molly wasn’t a small girl... but Harry was determined to hold his wife and impale her on his cock.

It was a success.

While she wasn’t small, Harry was no slouch either. In fact she was not heavy, and Harry managed to penetrate her deeper and deeper than ever before.

Molly screamed in pleasure filled agony. She was his wife now... in more ways than one. Molly had never been carried... not to mention fucked while carried like this... it was incredible... she loved it, and she wanted more and more of it...

But alas... the rest of the family was waiting for breakfast. —————————————————————————————————————

Harry and Molly used Floo Powder to get to the Diagon Alley.

They arrived shortly after each other in the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron.

They dusted the ashes off their clothes and one quick kiss later, they were strolling arm in arm down Diagon Alley.

First stop was Gringotts bank. Harry needed to make a withdrawal from his bank box.

They arrived soon after at Harry’s box, and Harry noticed Molly’s huge eyes when she saw the Football stadium sized vault... filled to the brim with gold.

Harry saw her gaze and gave her a quick kiss.

 “Have I told you how much I love you today, my dear?” She said with such a weird and very cute tone.

“Hmm... no not today.” Harry said teasingly.

“Well I love you a lot, my dear...” she said, waving her eyelashes at him.

Harry smiled and grabbed her butt as he escorted her onto the wagon that the goblin drove.

Back on the surface, Harry quickly got what he needed. Ingredients and new clothes. He also decided to spoil his new wife a little. So they went to some of the more fancy shops of the Alley.

One in particular sold some very fancy witch dresses... they looked a lot like sexy muggle girl dresses, and Harry pulled Molly inside.

Molly told Harry that she had never in her life even set her foot in here. The prices for these clothes were... well... way out of Arthur’s league... but... not out of Harry’s.

The expedient looked at Harry and Molly like they were trash from the gutter, but as soon as Harry flexed a golden galleon in his hands she became more welcoming.

“Give this lovely girl a good time, will ya?” “Yes sir... right this way mam.”

Molly was dragged into a changing booth, and here she was soon dressed in one gorgeous dress after the other. She looked a little out of place, but soon she got into the mood, and with every single change of dress, she looked more and more complacent.

She even looked daring when she wore the sexy and really expensive black dress from the window exhibit.

It flashes both of her legs, and Harry was absolutely in awe. “Buy it babe! It’s amazing! You look amazing!”

Molly was blushing and giggling. “Oh Harry I can’t... it’s the most expensive dress in the shop... Arthur doesn’t make that much in a year...”

“So? I want you to have it! Put it in the pile of those you want.”

Harry and Molly left with plenty of bags, and Harry had just bought Molly enough fancy dresses to bankrupt Arthur Weasley a hundred times over. But it wouldn’t even make a dent in his amount of gold.

Next they went to a store that sold sexy lingerie.

 In here Harry once again was treated to a show, as Molly tried all the sexiest and most delicious underwear and nightgowns.

One of the female expedients came out after helping Molly out of the last one piece outfit, and Harry handed her a Galleon.

“Close the store for 30 minutes will ya?” He said it softly so Molly didn’t hear him.

She looked at Harry. He was grabbing the bulge in his pants. He couldn’t take the pressure building up much longer. Then she looked over her shoulder. The shop was completely empty and she understood. She nodded.

“Sure thing sir. Try not to make a mess.”

Harry nodded, and then she left him.

Harry pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the dressing room.

Molly had gotten a little surprised when he suddenly stood there, but she took a breath of relief when she saw it was him.

“Oh Harry... you scared me...” Molly saw the look Harry had in her eyes. “Harry... my love, why are you looking at me like that...?”

She looked at his groin...

“Oh good heavens...” —————————————————————————————————————

Molly was not at all soundless. In fact she screamed louder than ever. Harry had learned that his wife was turned on by public sex. She was a masochist but also one who enjoyed the risk of getting caught and also... being watched...

Harry fucked her face to face while kissing her and holding up one of her legs, while plowed her pussy... due to her embarrassment she was tighter still, and milked Harry’s already pressured cock to the max.

Harry fucked her and as he was about to cum, he pulled his cock out of her pussy, and made her kneel. He rammed it down her throat and emptied his nuts in her stomach. —————————————————————————————————————

Next on the list was new books.

Molly was walking in one of her new dresses and with elegant high heels.

She looked like a completely new woman. Many wizards turned their heads to look at the ravishing redhead in Harry’s arm.

 Flourish and Blott’s was the place to get new books. But evidently there was an event going on preventing it from being just a quick snatch of the books Harry needed.

Gilderoy Lockhart was gonna sign his self biography ‘Magical Me’. Thus the line of people. Molly was a little interested, but she didn’t seem to be really excited. Harry had seen several of her books that were written by this man on her shelves back at the Burrows.

I guess you know what happened in the bookstore as well as I do, right my lovely reader? Quick catch up:

Gilderoy noticed Harry in the crowd and pulled him to the table and got a dual photo of them both by the reporter for the Daily Prophet. Harry got all the collected works of Gilderoy handed over to him, and then he was sent on his merry way.

Back to the story...

After they had gotten the other books Harry needed they made their way to the exit... Only... the way was blocked by none other than Draca Malfoy.

“You probably enjoyed that little show, didn’t ya, Potter!?”

The silver haired blonde Malfoy girl was standing in front of Harry, dressed all in black and she looked like a raging thundercloud.

“The famous Harry Potter... Can’t even walk in a bookstore before you get on the front page.”

“Excuse me, dear... but who on earth are you?” Molly said when she heard someone address Harry. Molly walked up right next to her man and looked at Draca with an investigative look.

Draca pulled an evil grin as she looked over Molly Weasley.

“What’s this Potter? Are you so useless in the sack that you have to settle with this old bat?”

There was a little thump sound, and a long slender and feminine hand was placed on Draca’s shoulder.

“That’s quite enough, my dear Draca...” A melodious and gentle voice said out loud and pushed Draca aside.

Another woman, who looked just like Draca took her place.

Where Draca had a topped Ponytail, this woman had her long hair in a tight bun on the back of her head.

She was gorgeously beautiful, but her face had an unmistakably snobbish and hoytitoyti look to it.

 She could be none other than Draca’s mother. Her bosom was fantastic, and her body was like out of a fantasy.

She was dressed in black as well, and her eyes were as blue as the sky outside. She saw the scene, and looked over Harry and Molly Weasley.

“Aha... I see... Molly Weasley...”

Molly looked coldly at Draca’s mother.

“Hello Narcissa Malfoy.” Molly was polite enough but there was a certain tone that Harry had never heard from Molly before.

Narcissa made an elegant cast with her head.

“Glad to see you in a store dear... and not out on the streets begging for scraps... like we hear you must do to get by...”

Narcissa looked over Molly’s outfit... but... she got a long and completely priceless expression when she realized what it was Molly was wearing. An elegant and sexy dress from the store Mallicia’s where Harry had just bought her a ton of dresses.

“Is that... a Mallicia dress?” Narcissa asked looking a little paler than before. Even Draca seemed shocked.

Molly smiled and spun around on the spot to let them see the elegant cut of the dress.

“It sure is. One of her most beautiful creations yet. I wasn’t certain it would fit me, but Harry here told me I look like a million in it.”

Narcissa was blinking as if the mere sight of the dress was hurting her eyes.

“H-How... how can you afford something like that... with... seven kids and a husband in a dead end job...?”

Molly grabbed Harry’s arm.

“Ever heard of the Potter fortune, Narcissa?” Molly said while looking at Harry with the expression of a worshipper.

“I just had my first glance at it, and I can say... there is more gold to the heir of the Potter family, than in any other wizarding family combined... even the Malfoys...”

Draca looked at Harry who grinned a little smug at her. She looked utterly infuriated.

“Harry has been living at my house, and he wanted to treat me a little. So he bought half of this seasons collection as a present to me... Isn’t he just perfect?”

 Molly placed her head on Harry’s shoulder.

“H-half...” Narcissa spouted... “But... those dresses... costs a fortune...”

“I know... but Harry insisted...”

Molly kissed Harry on the cheek.

“Then again... it was hardly noticeable on the Mount Everest that is his pile of gold...”

Narcissa and Draca had nothing to say for a while... Then Narcissa finally collected herself and said: “It’s... it’s not all about gold... It’s... It’s the blood that is important!”

“Yeah... I guess that’s what you paupers must tell yourself... Please excuse us, Narcissa...”

Molly guided Harry past the two Malfoy’s who looked utterly enraged by her words. Harry was so impressed and he was also... so turned on...

He grabbed the ass of Molly on the way out and looked over his shoulder at Draca. She looked completely shocked and didn’t seem to believe her own eyes. —————————————————————————————————————

That night at the Burrows, Molly was even harder than usual.

She was on all fours, and Harry was fucking her for the fourth time that night alone. They were loud, but they didn’t care. No more.

Harry was the husband of Molly, and Molly was his wife. Harry was about to cast a spell over Molly’s body.

Tomorrow was the day of the trip back to Hogwarts, and it would be at least a few weeks before he would be able to see his new wife Molly again.

Harry wasn’t doubtful of Molly’s faithfulness, but he was unsure how Arthur Weasley might act if he saw Molly strut around half naked like she usually did around Harry, then he had to take his precautions.

Arthur might not know that he was Molly’s ex husband now, so Harry had to make sure if he got carried away, that there was no way to get through to the stuff of HIS wife.

Harry was casting a spell over Molly’s body... and her holes. His seed was needed for each hole.

“Molly...” Harry yelled out loud. “From here on out, this pussy belongs to me, and me alone... you got that!?”

Molly answered him: “Yes Harry... My pussy belongs to you and you alone!”

 Harry continued.

“From this moment... your pussy will never have any other cock inside of it, but mine! That’s an order! You will never let another cock cum inside but mine, in your entire life!”

Molly heard his words and answered: “Yes Harry! My pussy shall never have any other cock inside it but yours! No other cock shall cum inside of me, but yours!”

“Your pussy...” Harry thrusted his cock as deep into her pussy as he could. Molly was gasping for air.

“Your body... All of it... It belongs to me... and to fulfill this promise... I will sperm inside your womb and take your pussy as my possession... once and for all!”

Harry pulled his cock back, and then slammed it right into her womb and exploded inside of her. His sperm filled her up...

Harry then pulled his cock out of her pussy and slammed it directly into her ass.

Molly let out a scream, but she was too far gone in the bliss to care for pain right now. All she could feel was pleasure.

Harry was balls deep in her ass, when he said.

“Molly... from here on out, this ass belongs to me, and me alone... you got that?!” Molly answered: “Yes... Harry... My ass... belongs to you... and you alone...”

Harry did the exact same thing with her ass as he had just done with her pussy... and when he was done with her ass... he moved on to her mouth...

This time around he didn’t wait for her answers... and they were not needed for the spell to work...

Harry spermed into her stomach, as he had done in both her ass and her pussy. He had magically laid claim to her body’s holes.

She was now not only his wife in body and soul... her body was now completely linked to his body... no other man’s cock would ever be able to penetrate her by any of her holes.

As Harry was resting on the bed after the spell had been put over Molly’s body, she was sucking his cock to get it to rise for one final fuck before they went to bed.

“Well... Now Arthur won't be able to jump you, even if he would ever get the energy to do so.”

 “Don’t... worry... my love... I will just... give him a handjob... once a month... that should... keep him at bay...”

She was talking between her sucks.

Harry patted her head. He knew that was the best he could hope for, but he preferred her not to touch Arthur anymore. But alas.

He knew it was for the best.

Molly kept sucking his cock, and Harry sorta caught the sight of a person right outside of their door.

It was Ginny.

She was spying on them again.

Harry had seen her a lot of times these last few days. He didn’t mind her watching them. In fact it turned him on.

He grabbed Molly’s head and began to move it.

Molly removed her hands from her husbands cock and allowed Harry to set the pace of the fuck. She was completely at his mercy.

Harry got up on his knees and he was still fucking the face of his wife, and he was still facing the door, where he could still see Ginny. She was clearly fingering herself.

Harry leaned forward and slapped Molly’s ass. It gave loud spanking sounds, and Molly clearly squealed in joy over the cock in her mouth.

Harry pulled his cock from the mouth of his wife and pulled her up by the hair. He gave her face a few slaps to get her out of her bliss.

“Ready to be fucked, huh?” “Yes! YES! Please fuck me!”

Harry threw her down on the mattress then pulled her by her fat ass. He spanked it and aligned his cock with her pussy.

He corrected their position in bed so they both faced Ginny.

Harry was looking directly at Ginny while he plowed her mother’s pussy. Was it a display of dominance?

Was it a wish to brag?

 Was it Harry’s way to tell Ginny in a subtle way... that this would soon be her on all fours... at the end of his cock?

Perhaps it was all 3, and Harry spanked Molly more and more. The bitch really seemed to love the rough treatment. But it seemed Ginny loved to see it even more.

And thus was the last night in the Burrows...

The next morning the Weasley Family and Harry were off to King’s Cross station... and we all know how that went... don’t we?

Well a short catch up:

Harry and Molly fucked for so long in the henhouse, that the entire breakfast was late, and QED the family was late for the train... and somehow a magical flying car was needed...

And that as they say...

Was how Harry got a red headed MILF as his first wife... note... FIRST wife. Harry was well on his way to rebuild the famous or infamous Potter Harem. To be continued.



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