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Fun fact. This is the first time I have ever drawn Captain Amelia. EVER!

I have never drawn Amelia before, or any of the characters from the Treasure Planet Movie.

I don’t know why it has taken forever to finally get to it, but I… guess it was all in due time.

I hope you like this silly thing. Please bear in mind that I am just joking with what Amelia is saying in this picture, and please bear in mind that all characters I draw and present on this Patreon are all above the age of 18.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours truly




Beau C



Awwww mate! You've done 2 out of my 3 favourite animated movies now in HTTYD and now Treasure Planet. Gotta get a Kida now to complete the triforce on this one

Jaguar Man

Better than the original

Runus Brewblade

What a wonderful captain. Going out of her way to personally feed her cabin boy. Shame I'm a few years older or I would love to be Jim lol

Meshach Berry

Would love to see more of her.


Would like to see some more stuff with Amelia. One being herself of full profile and all that. Another being of her taking a fancy to Jimmy here and another of post film events of a funny instance of proposing to him to be her husband.

The Incredible Bray

Just a thought but maybe Jim can be the Ron for space cartoons. Like he meets Mira Nova, Lord Dominator, or even Star Wars ladies. Just a thought