The Mankey Girls (Patreon)
Hey Everyone.
Sorry for the lack of updates. Been a little occupied.
Here we have the tree Mankey Girls.
Trish Mankey in the center, the MILF mother of Joshua Wendell Mankey and his two younger sisters... the twins, Desiree and Bethany Mankey, also known as Dee-Dee and Bee-Bee (DD & BB)
The girls are not fans of their brother, nor their father, Trish ex-husband, but both have a very close bond to their mother. They are obsessed in finding a new and better mate for their mom since their father cheated on their mom and broke up their family.
One of the reasons Josh is not popular with his sisters is partially because he is mostly in his father’s corner. His father has a ton of money - nothing compared to Ron but still, it hurt their dear mother a lot.
In the beginning Trish isn’t really interested in dating someone new, but after some close interactions with Ron and some encouragement from her daughters she is willing to go on some dates, if anything just to shut up her pushy girls. But perhaps not so surprisingly, Trish ends up having a blast of a time, and she willingly seeks out more dates with Ron.
In the end, she and Ron gets into a serious relationship and Trish finally gets over her failed marriage and begins a new life with Ron at his mansion as one of his MILF’s. The twins follow of course, as they too are drawn to Ron.
I hope you like these additions. They are all original characters and all are over the age of 18 if anyone cares to know 🤗
Other than that, I am doing really well. I have been hitting the gym as often as I can and I am beginning to feel some improvement.
I hope you are all doing well and are taking care in December.
Yours truly