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Some more Big Booty Queens for Ron‘s ever growing harem.

From the lift.

Sierra McCool as we remember her (forgive my Royal ’we’)

Her mother: Valentina McCool - and OC of mine.

Riley Daring as we remember her (Okay what’s wrong with us?(DA HECK??))

Agent K. Karen Daring in her splendor.

her mother Agent B. Named by us (ME Dammit!): Brooke Bond

I hope you like these additions into the harem.

Yours truly



Osbourne GG

Be careful around those spies you will never know when they will pop up hehe


Fernando Gomez is that u?


I’m guessing Agent K is an old coworker of Betty Director, hopefully we’ll see her in her secret agent outfit in the future.


I'm starting to feel there should be main story "canon" Harem and the mythos harem. Basically allows for the Comics story to follow the narrative and the flights of fancy fun ideas to be done in one shots or side panels and be more like a "somewhere in the multiverse there is a Ron Harem with them in it"