Amazonian birth (Patreon)
The Amazons.
A tribe of powerful, strong and capable female warriors. Divine in beauty And ferocious on the field of battle, be it warfare or the bedroom.
But any woman can’t become an Amazon. A woman who wishes to hold this title needs to prove her worth in the arena.
The Arena is also called the Amazonian Womb. Amazons are born in this way. Screaming and in a swarm of blood… and at a hefty price.
Only a few out of the hundreds of slaves that enter walks out a fully fledged Amazon with all the rights and privileges that follows.
This brutal life has caused a significant alteration in Amazonian society. Once they were a sophisticated bunch, but these days, they have regressed to a brutal and more primitive way. And though their power is expanding… their culture is stagnant.
Bread and Circuses…
Is there even a philosophy that excuses this behavior or norm in society? Frankly not, but excuses are plenty still.
The main idea behind this abhorrent behavior is that Amazons only desire the strongest and most qualified warriors to join their ranks. The killings was a symbol of actually killing the person you once was, so the Amazon can take her place.
But what qualities, other than killers are they bringing into the world this way?
Causing an influx of really bad qualities. Encouraging more and more abhorrent behavior only sees a rise in the same.
So, the Amazons are not the paragons they used to be. Now they are seen more as wild, brutal and… savage to outsiders.
Is all lost?
Not really, but it takes a drastic change to alter something that is literally carved into the pillars of society.
I hope you can enjoy this rather dark sketch, but even I sometimes need to shock myself with my work… because I need to know that I can. Savagery rests in all of us. It’s the desire to do better, and act better, that is important - and what is crucial, is the will to put action behind your words.
Yours truly