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OC Comic

Wow I underestimate the work that goes into making the comic. I failed pretty bad trying to make the comic sketches. Tried working on them when I had time, but much of it spend on trying to change and edit settings on CSP. And after trying to draw for an hour I already have backpain.

Sorry if you were waiting for those, I should have plan this more properly. I'll continue to finishing these on upcoming months and update when I had some progress.

Time-lapse and Source files

I forgot to post my timelaspes and source files. I will be posting all of them in a single post at the end of the month to make them more organized <3



Exojaam (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-31 13:30:04 It's all good brother! That's what this is for, you get to try some new stuff out and see if it works :D
2024-12-31 13:30:04 It's all good brother! That's what this is for, you get to try some new stuff out and see if it works :D
2024-12-29 07:18:47 It's all good brother! That's what this is for, you get to try some new stuff out and see if it works :D

It's all good brother! That's what this is for, you get to try some new stuff out and see if it works :D


I was expecting this outcome, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm disappointed xd but I knew it was going to happen, because building a comic is quite difficult hahaha, it usually takes mangakas 1 to 3 months to create a one shot, so I can't imagine a comic


No worries, take your time!


Yeah, I highly underestimated the work that goes into making one. I was focusing more on the drawing part but there's lot more to it than that. What I learned was drawing it is the easy part :|


Hey blackout, don't worry about it, art takes time and no one will judge you for making sure yours is the way you want to. I've been away for a little while and didn't get a chance to say this so a late merry christmas and early happy new year to you!