Meteor Woman, Issue #14 (Man to Hot Superheroine TG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.
Issue 14: Impact
Kara’s heart was beating like a jackhammer in her chest, and there was certainly a lot of chest for it to beat in, all things considered. Her costume was very good at becoming pristine again all on its own, and her flowing blonde hair had lost all trace of debris and dust, but she still felt dishevelled and wrong in a way. She was in the Hero Dome once more, summoned before the central council, and Flame Dancer was among them. It had been two days since the defeat of Hyperion, and she hadn’t been allowed to leave the Dome for obvious reasons of security, though the nature of her remand was secret to most of the rank and file. Only those at the final battle had heard the testimony from Hyperion that she had once been a cat burglar, and a man to boot. None of them at all knew her actual identity except for Blue Trident, Ice Shard, and Flame Dancer, who were taking into account her personal circumstances when weighing her future.
Still, she’d managed to get word out to Alexis that she was okay after being given permission to video call her and Sally while she was in a cell. Her kid sister had been ecstatic as hell, a real blubbering mess, and she had apologised over and over again.
“I’m sorry for not believing in you,” she’d said. “I’m so sorry, Burt. I didn’t mean-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay kiddo. You were right. I made some shit decisions, and kept stuff from you. I never should have let you down.”
“You didn’t let me down. You - you saved us. All of us. They have to see that, right?”
“Well, we’ll see. I also did some damage, tried to steal some stuff, and hurt a great hero. The Meteor says I get to keep the power, but I’ll try and give it up to someone else if I can’t use it right. It only makes sense.”
Alexis eyed her curiously through the screen. “Does that mean you’ll be a man again?’
“Yes, ask him about that, honey!” called Sally. Alexis adjusted the screen to reveal their mom, who was lying back on the couch with a look of serious concern. “Am I getting my boy back?”
Kara grinned sheepishly. “Uh, hey Ma. Didn’t realise you were awake.”
“You’ve got me fretting, honey! First I found out my responsible son is a hero, and that he’s turned into a woman, and then he fights a giant evil robot-”
“Whatever. And then he’s in jail-”
“Honey, it’s a lot to take in for a sick woman!”
Kara nodded. “I know, Ma. I’m sorry. But at least you know how the bath was broken?”
“Just tell me I’m getting my boy back.”
It was hard to tell the truth, but she had to. “I’m sorry, Mom, but you aren’t. When I made the choice to be Meteor Woman again, I went in knowing it had to be permanent. Something about the power sticking to me. I’m sorry to say, but you’ve got two daughters now.”
Sally gave a funny look. She’d always been damn perceptive. “Are you sorry, Burt?”
She chuckled. So damn perceptive. “I’m . . . not. I know it sounds crazy, Sally, but I’m not. I’m, uh . . . I go by Kara, now.”
Sally was silent for some long seconds. “I always did like the idea of two daughters.”
“But you’ll have to wear a more appropriate costume! It’s ridiculous!”
“I’m well aware, Mom, but I don’t exactly get a choice here.”
Alexis just giggled. “I love it. It’s so sexy and stylish, sis. Oh man, I just realised this means my big brother has bigger boobs than I do. And wears more revealing stuff.”
They laughed together as Kara groaned. “God, don’t remind me!”
“And she has a boyfriend, Mom! It’s a cute reporter.”
“Oh, lord. Really, Bur - Kara?”
“I am terminating this call, seriously.”
“Can we meet him?”
It wasn’t the last call they had. Alexis was back to being ecstatic again, even if worried for her new ‘older sister.’ It felt strange to be a big sis, but maybe it was a dynamic that would bring them even closer together. As way of apology, Kara had already promised plenty of free flight rides, and to maaaaaybe carve Alexis’ initials on the moon, if that was even possible. One thing was for certain: Meteor Woman was Alexis’ favourite hero again, but now there was an extra flavour of playful ribbing. Goodness knows, Alexis was positively over the moon about being able to fully introduce Kara to womanhood, to have girl nights, try makeup together, go shopping together, and generally stir her new big sister about her very busty body.
Can’t say I don’t deserve it. And hey, maybe she can help me pick out something cute for Ralph. If I don’t end up in max prison or something. Share a cell with Hyperion, maybe? Ha!
That was still an anxiety on her mind as she went to the council meeting, however. Blue Trident, Flame Dancer, and Ice Shard were in attendance, with Flame’s arm in a case. The room was surprisingly small, but their chairs presided over hers, raised over the table she was on the other side of. She was led in by civilian staff and moved willingly, though she was still in her hero costume. It made her feel a mix of powerful and vulnerable at once.
“Thank you for coming Meteor Woman,” Blue Trident said. “This meeting, as you know, is to determine your level of culpability in the events that took place two days ago, and discuss what charges and sanctions will be pressed in accordance with local authorities. As you know, you tried to rob the armoury while a threat to the city was being dealt with. When you were discovered by Flame Dancer, you resisted arrest, and in the process injured her in an ensuing fight that left considerable damage to the building. You put lives at risk.”
“I did,” she said, failing to meet their faces. “I take full responsibility. Flame Dancer, I’m so fucking sorry. I was - am - a total piece of shit.”
“Yes, I’d say that’s accurate,” she responded.
“I don’t make any excuses,” Kara continued. “You all know my identity - my real identity. I haven’t exactly been an angel. I didn’t expect any of this.”
She gestured to her body, and as always, felt Blue Trident’s gaze upon it. Not that she could blame him: she was damn dynamite, and she knew it. It was weird to think that she’d have these wide hips, hourglass figure, and mega-chest for life now.
I’ll have to buy so many expensive bras. Custom-fitted ones, most likely.
“None of this excuses what you did,” Ice Shard countered. “You attacked our base when it was vulnerable, and knocked out a leading member when she could have helped lead a counterattack. You were lucky that no lives were list-”
“And that the evidence shows you rescued many yourself, at great personal risk,” Blue Trident added.
Meteor Woman sighed. “I can’t make any justification for what I did. I wanted to save my mother’s life, and get her the treatment she needed. Trust me, there’s nothing you could do to punish me further than I haven’t already inflicted on myself these past two days, though I would deserve that too. I only ask that you help take care of Alexis and Sally, and try to get my mother the treatment she needs. That’s all I care about, that and the people of the neighbourhoods I patrolled. Please don’t forget about them and stuff. Sorry, I’m pretty shit at this whole talking thing.”
Flame Dancer actually smirked. “At least we aren’t coming to blows.”
Kara gave a sheepish smile back. “I really am sorry about that.”
“You had better be. Remain here while we confer.”
Some technology activated, and the three talked. And talked. And damn well talked. Kara, despite the stakes, actually found herself getting a little bit bored. In fact, she started daydreaming about Ralph Riley and his cute kissable face, feeling her nipples stiffen, when suddenly she was called back to attention by the group, who had seemingly reached a decision.
“Meteor Woman? Kara? Are you listening?”
“Huh - wha? Yes, of course!”
Nice going. Try being a busty blonde superhero without looking like a total lovey-dovey bimbo, Kara.
“We have rendered judgement,” Blue Trident said. “Flame Dancer will naturally announce it. Her vote matters more than mine and Ice Shard’s.”
Kara cringed. It only made sense, but it wasn’t a good sign. And yet, when Flame Dancer stood, her expression was not unkind.
“Meteor Woman, you showed great cowardice and cunning and villainous intent two days ago.”
Kara gulped.
“But you also fought Hyperion at great risk, saving the city. From what we can gather, you took the ultimate sacrifice of accepting womanhood for life, regardless of whether you kept your powers, in order to save the day. You rescued citizens, kept others at bay, and helped Lightning Lass’s wounds. You even risked yourself when you were a depowered man, when you were most vulnerable. More than that, you indeed seem to show true remorse. It is the mission statement of the Hero Dome that we believe that heroism can lie within everyone - within everyone. And we cannot escape that certain outside events make us willing to believe that this statement applies deeply to you.”
At this, Blue Trident raised a newspaper, and Kara’s eyes widened. It was the front page of the Daily Star from the previous day, and on it was her image, flying triumphantly off to face the Hyperion mecha from behind. For once, her big boobs weren’t on display, though her lips admittedly looked amazing as her cape fluttered. It was the ultimate David and Goliath shot.
That sneaky, sexy reporter, she thought to herself. He did take a photo of me after I told him to run.
It was better than any helicopter shot, and conveyed everything. The title was simple, and the article clearly written by Ralph: Meteor Woman saves Star City. She actually got a little emotional seeing it, and had to wipe her eyes again. Damn female emotions.
“The public loves you,” Flame Dancer said, “and we would not like to crush the public after such an event. Particularly since you have endeared yourself greatly to neighbourhoods that we have perhaps . . . not paid as great attention to as we should have.”
At this, Ice Shard crossed her arms and pouted, though Blue Trident nodded in agreement.
“As such, our punishment will not involve prosecution for imprisonment, even if you did pack a mean left punch against me.”
Kara could barely believe it. “You - you mean it? Thank you!”
Flame Dancer held up a hand. “That doesn’t mean you’re left off light, missy. You still tried to rob the armoury, and beat me up - something I didn’t appreciate. You get to remain a hero with the Hero Society, but you aren’t entering the Dome again until you have completed a training program and a supervision program. Ice Shard will oversee you.”
“Whoop to me, big tits,” Ice Shard said.
“I also have a great face,” Kara replied, “but no one ever comments on that.”
“That’s because no one’s looking at it.”
“If we can get back on topic,” Flame Dancer continued, “I can tell you that we’ll also be monitoring your heroism, and setting certain conditions over where you can operate in coming months. We’ve also got some community service programs for heroes that you will have to be part of, including our school visit program and juvenile reform program.”
Great. I bet the horny teenage boys won’t exactly be sad about that. Ice Shard is so smug right now.
But still, it was a good deal, better than she could have imagined.
“Thank you,” she said, her sweet voice cracking a little. “Thank you. This is better than I deserve.”
“It is, but we’re heroes. We have to believe in people. And even after you knocked me unconscious, I believe you want to be better. Which is why we have decided to help with your home situation.”
Kara looked up, unbelieving what she was hearing. “You - you -”
“Thank Blue Trident,” she said.
He grinned. “It’s an area we’ve overlooked when it comes to heroism. We do what we can, but our power sets are not always the healing variety. But we do have good funding, and your mother can get the care she needs as part of the deal. In fact, once your supervisory program ends, and you prove yourself - which I know you will - you can even work to help us set up a charity fund for caring for similar cases.”
Kara simply had to take a moment and calm herself. If she breathed in any more in her attempt to wrangle her emotions, she might well bust right out of her outfit.
“Thank you,” she said. “I promise, I’ll do everything to be a hero from here on out.”
“You better,” Ice Shard said. “After all, you’re a heroine for good now right? I still can’t believe Trident was head over heels for a man.”
But the main hero just took it in stride. “No, Shard. She’s a woman now. I think we can all see that. Right, Kara?”
She smiled sweetly. “Right,” she said. “And . . . on that note, would it be possible to ask for a tiny little bit of early release? There’s someone special I’d like to see.”
It was, perhaps, the only part of the proceedings that left Trident disappointed. But some bandaids needed to be ripped off, and she needed to see Ralph. She needed to talk.
“Yes, well,” Trident said. “On that note, we can help set you up with a new identity, at least. I imagine you’ll be needing one now.”
To Be Concluded . . .